Ch 10- Sharing the Same Bed

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'What? He could not be serious,' Maria thought.

"Wh-what?" Maria asked, trying to make sure she had heard him right.

"You are going to sleep with me," Sebastian chuckled.

"Why?" Maria asked, worried.

"Do you not remember our deal? You follow me wherever I go, no matter what. That includes at night," Sebastian explained and swept her into his arms, earning a gasp from her. He started carrying her down the hall bridal style.

"I need to get a nightgown," Maria said, trying to squirm out of his strong arms.

"I had Angela get a nightgown for you before she retired to bed," Sebastian explained, giving her a closed eye smile as they walked along.

"I see," Maria said, giving up her struggles, knowing it was pointless.

Sebastian felt Maria start to tremble as she thought of what awaited her in his bedroom. He could also smell the fear rolling off of her.

"Maria," Sebastian called. She continued to stare at her trembling hands. "Maria, please look at me." She slowly met her bright blue eyes with his blood red eyes. "I am not going to hurt you. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes," Maria said, her voice shacking.

Sebastian sighed and stopped walking. He then set her down so her back was to the railing and knelled down in front of her so that his legs were on either side of hers, pinning her there. He took her face in his large hands and tilted her head so that she was looking him in the eyes.

Maria kept her hands in her lap and pulled her legs up to her chest, trying to control her breathing.

"Maria. My sweet, gentle, Maria. If I were going to hurt you do you not think I would have done so already?" Sebastian asked, stroking the sides of her face with his thumb. Maria thought for a moment and nodded. "Alright, you understand that much. Now, I am going to tell you something that is the complete truth and I want you to remember it. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes," Maria said, her voice strong this time.

"To hurt someone like you, even for a demon, would be the ultimate sin. You are the sweetest, most gentle human I have ever known, and I have lived for a very long time, even when I did not take this form. You are also the first I have ever met that I was happy to meet. You have a pure soul and you let nothing change that. You proved that much when you gave your soul in place of your fathers. As long as I am able, I will never let anyone hurt you. I promise," Sebastian said. His eyes glowed a very faint red rather than glowing red. He felt the demon mark on his hand glow.

Somehow, Maria knew this was some sort of demon promise.

Slowly, and cautiously, she brought her hands up and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning her head against his shoulder. His sweet yet spicy scent filled her nose as she buried her face into his neck.

Sebastian was surprised at this at first, his hands hanging in the air where they had been at her face. Then, slowly, he took her into his arms, and carried her down the hall toward his room.

Since Maria's arms were still wrapped around his neck, this made it easier to still hold her and open the door.

When the air from his room hit her, Maria took her face out from his neck and looked around. It was somewhat dark, but due to her heightened senses, she could see as if it were a well lite room.

The rought iron windows with intricate designs were open, letting in fresh air.

Everything in the room was black, all but the occasional red, white, or silver candle or small trinket on a shelve or nightstand. She noticed a black nightgown lying on the bed.

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