Ch 6- New Home?

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Sebastian cradled Maria gently as the carriage rocked along. He normally would have preferred running, but this cargo was too precious to risk hurting.

He crossed his legs to give her more support. He knew how easily uncomfortable these carriage rides could get.

Maria's head was still resting against his shoulder. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was soft and even. Sebastian knew she was not pretending. She would give a tiny moan every now and again, showing that she was dreaming.

He gently brushed his gloved fingers against her forehead, pushing away a stray lock of her long, raven hair. He touched her cat ears and, ever so gently, stroked her ear with his index finger and thumb. He had done the same when she was born.

As quiet as it was, no human would have been able to hear it. Sebastian, however, was far from human. She was purring.

He cocked his head to the side. The little nekko in his arms was very intriguing to him. Although, she was far from little. She may have small bones, and despite being tall and slender, she was so light in his arms. Just like a cat.

He had intended for her to look like a cat, but he had not planned on her acting like one. She was so gentle in her ways. Caring, loyal, sweet, unvain, and trusting yet cautious at the same time.

He smiled down at her.

She was a very intriguing creature indeed.

(Back at the Phantomhive Manor)

What was left of the Phantomhive family sat in the parlor along with the friends who had fought to protect their daughter.

The reapers had long since left. Grell and Undertaker had said they were sorry, but even they could not deny upholding a demons contract. William had surprised everyone the most when he had bowed before the Phantomhive's and gave his condolence's. The family had asked it she was gone yet, but William was not permitted to disclose that information.

Now, they all just sat in silence. The only noise was the occasional sob from either Finny or Mey Rin. Maria may not have been most of their family, but she had been like a daughter, sister, and close friend to them all.

Agni stood beside Prince Soma. He could feel the dark yet sad aura's emanating off everyone. He was almost waiting for them all to start either yelling or crying again.

Prince Soma clenched his fist on his legs. His face turning somewhat angry.

Prince Soma stood fast and yelled, "What are we just sitting around for? Let us do something! Call in Scotland Yard! Call someone!"

"And tell them what? That my mother gave away my only sibling to a demon who very well may be eating her soul as we speak? They would have us all committed before we even set the telephone back on the receiver," Anton said, his head in the hand that was resting on the arm rest of the couch.

"We could at least try something! There can not be many places for Sebastian to take her! We need to find her before it is too late!" Prince Soma yelled.

"There are all too many places he could hide her," Lau said, popping up from nowhere with Ran Mao.

"When did he get here?" Finny whispered to Mey Rin, earning a shrug.

"What do you mean?" Agni asked, puzzled.

"What do I mean about what?" Lau asked.

"Where did Sebastian take Maria?" Prince Soma asked with an undertone of anger.

"Sebastian took Maria?" Lau asked, scratching his head.

Prince Soma gave a violent yell and lunged for Lau. Agni grabbed him and held him back.

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