Ch 20- That Master, Attending the Funeral

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An aura of sadness had surrounded the Michaelis estate since Maria's death.

The birds had stopped singing, the cats that once played in the yard had stopped playing, even Pluto had been quiet.

Sebastian sat in his office, his chair beside the window as he looked distantly at the cloudy sky. His heart ached endlessly in his chest to the point he wished it had never began to in the first place, but that would have to mean never meeting Maria. He could not handle that.

A knock came to his door and he turned his head slightly to look from the corner of his eye at Sage as she entered the room with Claude standing behind her. Both were wearing all black, not a speck of their clothes showed any color but that.

"Master Sebastian... It is time," Sage said sadly.

Sebastian simply nodded his head and stood from the chair, slipping his overcoat on his slim, muscular torso and buttoning it.

He then walked silently from the room, not saying a word as he passed Sage and Claude.

He walked from the mansion, his eyes glazed over as he came to the group of people surrounding the coffin sitting on the porch.

Standing around the coffin at the handles were Joker, Drocell, Agni, and Ash. This was the first anyone had ever seen Ash and Angela in full black. Anton had wanted to help carry the coffin, but he was too much shorter than the rest.

Sebastian took his place at the back of the coffin and the five of them lifted it to their shoulders. They then walked off the porch with the funeral party following behind them.

They carried the coffin a ways away from the mansion and came to an area enclosed by a steel iron fence.

Luca and Alois came forward and pushed the gate open before stepping aside to let the coffin carriers and the others through.

They brought the coffin to the center of the fenced-in area were a tall, beautifully made tombstone sat behind a rectangular hole in the ground slightly bigger and longer than the coffin.

The tombstone was shaped almost like a castle with two towers on either side. Sitting atop the two towers was a sparrow with blue eyes on the left side and a sparrow with brown eyes to the right. In the center was a dark black crow with ruby red eyes that seemed to take flight as it spread its stone wings from its sleek body. Atop the tower in the middle, overlooking the two sparrows and the dark crow, was a tall black cat with eyes that were a beautiful azure. The choker around her neck held two jingle bells that danced and jingled in the wind.

They set the coffin down near the hole as Sebastian looked at the fine craftsmanship of the tombstone. This was the first he had seen of it. He could not handle taking part in designing it.

After the coffin was set down, Anton gently opened the top half of the hinged lid, half Maria's body showing in the plush padding.

Her coffin was a solid white, inside and out. It was as white and clean as her soul had been.

Maria had been dressed in a long sleeved azure gown almost the same color as her eyes with fingerless, lace gloves and her shoes were black ballet flats, although you could not see her shoes. Her skin was now pale and looked even more so against her dress. Her raven hair was done in a sideways braid, accenting perfect face and making her cat ears standout. Her hands lay atop her stomach with her fingers intertwined and all different color roses lay under them. Her black, frilly choker with the silver jingle bells hung around her throat, just as it always did.

She looked so peaceful. Undertaker had done a fine job hiding the fact she dead.

Even now she looked as if she were going to wake up and smile at them all, telling them to dry their now falling tears and that everything would be alright.

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