Ch 3- Hide-and-Seek

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(Five Years Later)

Anton and Maria had grown so much since their birth.

Although Anton was the elder twin, Maria was much taller than him. Looking at the twins together, you would have thought Maria was the elder twin. Everyone said Anton would more than likely outgrow Maria when they grew older. Only time would tell.

"Mother, why must I wear this eye patch?" Maria asked in her innocent voice as her Elizabeth fastened the patch over her right eye. She looked all too much like her father with the patch over her eye, the only difference being that she had longer hair and her body was more feminine.

"Well... People would not understand that you are different than them. More... special. That is also why we must hide your ears and tail," Elizabeth said, taking out the headband that hid Maria's ears. Her tail was easy to hide, all she had to do was wear long dresses or strap her tail to her back.

"But I like my ears and tail, and my eye. It is not fair that Anton does not have to wear all of these things," Maria said. She was normally not so vain about these things, she just wondered why her brother did not have to.

"Your brother is just not special like you are. He is special, of course. You are just special in your own way," Elizabeth said, fearing the day Sebastian would come and take their only daughter from them.

"I understand," Maria sighed.

They both heard the doorbell ring. You could hear it ring from anywhere in the mansion.

"The guests are here," Elizabeth said, somewhat surprised they were here so early.

"Please hurry, mother! I want to get downstairs!" Maria said happily.

"Alright, alright. Just one more strap," Elizabeth laughed, fastening Maria's clothes and helped her slip on her red gloves. (See picture to the right ------>) Her father would sometimes tell her she dressed more like a man than a young lady, but times were more open to what a woman should and should not wear.After the strap was on, Maria slipped on her shoes and ran hurriedly from her room.

"Walk, Maria. A young lady does not run," Maria heard her mother call after her.

Maria sighed and slowed down to her 'lady like' walk. Although Maria liked be graceful, she also liked running. It made her feel free.

Maria entered the room full of party guest, her brother already mingling.

Today, everyone in the room had gathered for Anton and Maria's birthday.

Although Maria was seemed shy when you first met her, she was really adventurous and outgoing. She was more like a cat.

Anton, on the other had, seemed outgoing and more open to idea's. On the inside, however, he preferred to be alone. He was more like a dog that way.

People in the crowd smiled at her as she passed. Some may not agree with her choice of clothing, stuck in their old ways, but they adored her just the same. People found it hard to hate this kindhearted little girl. Claiming her innocence shinned bright as the sun.

She smiled back at the people, but she was truly searching for one group of people in particular.

She spotted them across the way, talking amongst themselves, as usual.

Her friend, Sage, spotted her coming. Maria held up a finger to her mouth, signaling to be quiet.

Even in heels, Maria was fast and quiet. She had a habit of nearly scaring her friends to death.

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