Chapter 8

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Clove Kentwell POV

"So we should set Gale up and then run him over with a car and then stab him with your knives. We can also use my butter knives, but that wouldn't work as well." Sophia says. "I like the idea, but we don't have our drivers license yet, so we can do that ." I say. "Aw dang it." Sophia says, disappointed. "Did I just hear you guys talking about a plan to kill Gale?" Finnick asks, walking over to us. Kinzley follows behind and says, "Killing Gale? Yay!" "Ok no killing Gale girls. And Clove, I have something to say to you. Did you dump Cato last night. And something about you liking me. I couldn't really hear through the sobbing, but do you really like me? You know I have a girlfriend, and I'm not dupping her." Finnick says. "Ooooooh, drama!" Kinzley and Sophia whisper. I hear them, but I don't care. "IT was stupid Glimmer's fault. And yes, I used to like you but I don't now. I love Cato, and you can't change my mind!" I yell. "Ok! Chill out." He says. I start to calm down. "So, are you guys back together?" He says with a smirk. "Ugh, no. I wish." I really do wish that we were together, but Glimmer had to ruin it. "Clove, we need you!" Kinzley and Sophia yell. "Bye, Finnick." I say. "Bye, another girl who is obsessed over me." He says laughing. I give him the death stare and walk away.

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