The Training

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  Lynn's pov

  After the food we washed our own plate. I didn't understand why, since we only ate one meal on it. So why waste the good water? He lead us both outside and up the mountain. Once more he told me to descend the mountain. We did it together. There were new traps. Except, these were more deadly. These traps slowed me down a little causing me to arrive back an hour longer than last time.

  We did this all day. I was exhausted, but continued through out the day. Tanjiro-San had to take some stops and breaks, but I kept going. The fog wasn't so bad today, which was a good advantage. By the end of the day, I had traveled both up and down the mountain 8 times. I was painting by the end of it. Since I was so tired I decided to take my coat off and left it inside of the house by the door.

  This was my 8th time and I was finally back. Tanjiro made 5 round trips. Most likely due to how many breaks he had to take. As well as, because he ate in the middle of the day. He called it, "lunch". It was now time for, "dinner",  which I would be participating in.

  We had some sort of meat for dinner. They called it, "pork", it was actually really good. The next day was different, as Urokodaki-San taught me some of the practices and foods of this railo. I found that they were a lot more trusting and were a lot more officiant than my planet. They had these things called, "laws". I didn't see the point in them, but I was told that I still had to abide by them. Since, on my planet, we must respect our elders, I had no choice but to listen.

  We did even more trainings, working on our reflexes, brut strength, hand eye coordination, speed, and others. Eventually, we were introduced to katanas. I picked up using them quickly, as Yurí had given me some leasons on the basics. Such as, holding a katana, its weak points, and such.

  After a couple months of training both me and Tanjiro were almost ready to go to final selection. When one day, we were brought up to the mountain. And we were face to face with two huge boulders of the same mass.

  The ground was squishy beneath my feet as it had rained the previous day. Which, Urokodaki refused to let me train. The boulders were easily twice as tall as me. Urokodaki began to walk away and stated, "if you cannot cut your own boulder, I cannot allow you to join final selection."

  We both tried and tried for days, but neither of us could. I knew that I could with my axe, but the katana was still quite foreign to me. I suppose that is the point of training is to make the katana as useable to me as my axe.

  It was getting frustrating, so I began training herder and harder. I had finally started to get accustomed to eating two good meals a day. Which was a late breakfast and a late dinner. Despite their insisting that I ate lunch. I had lied and told them name was Rose, but a few weeks ago I told them my real name. First name only though. My trust was slowly growing and I no longer worried of them trying To poison me. Though, it never hurts to test your food first. I also didn't trust them to know what my, "real form", looks like. Again, there is nothing wrong with being safe. Especially since I've only known them for a year.

  The sound of scrapping medal against stone filled the air as both Tanjiro and I tried our hardest to cut the rock in half. The sun was now down and Urokodaki came to collect us for dinner. "It's time for dinner." He said leading us back to the home we all live in.

  The meal was warm and gave me a sense of comfort. "The final selection is coming in a 3 months. If you do not cut your boulders in half... you will not be participating." My appetite immediately left my body after that statement. "I'm not hungry anymore." I stated as I went over to clean my dishes, then I left outside to watch the stars.

  I suppose I fell asleep outside, as I felt myself awake beside my boulder. The grass and dirt cushioning my face while the rocks jabbed into my side. 'I've got far too used to the plush of a cot.' I thought. It was still pretty early in the morning or just pretty late at night. The stars shown in my face magnifycently. When my eyes fixated on the rock above I saw deep red hair that was too bright to be maroon. 'Who is that?'

  "Yurí!!!" I shouted. She looked down toward me, and smiled, which is a rare experience that makes life well living. The red cloth tied around her face blocking her eyes from sight. The rest of her face shown clearly though. Her long red hair was tied up in a ponytail that lead all the way down to her waist.

  "Hi there, Lynn." She said. 'God, I missed her voice.' I was unbelievably happy to see someone I recognized as my friend. "Where have you been?" I asked, I really was curious. "That, I cannot tell you. After all, I'm not really here." That really confused me. "What do you mean? You're right in front of me?" "Don't give up Lynn, remember everything I taught you, everything Urokodaki taught you. You've got this, trust me." She said. As she shook her voice seemed to vibrate farther and farther away. I became dizzy and awoke outside in the grass. I wasn't in the same spot as earlier, but I could still see the boulders. "So, it was all just a dream?.... But a much needed one."

  I saw the sun was about to rise, so I traveled back to the house and grabbed my katana. Walking up to the boulder, I was face to face with its immense size. "You will not stand in my way of becoming a demon slayer." The rest was a blur, but when the fog of my vision cleared. The boulder was cut directly in half. I had finally done it... 'I CAN GO TO FINAL SELECTION!!!' I was ecstatic.

  A hand reached behind me, "you have passed my test Lynn. You may go to final selection." There was a sense of pride in his voice, but also a lingering sadness I couldn't understand. As if he was morning someone. 'Had he lost a student on the final selection perhaps?'


Word Count: 1142

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