Testing And Explaining

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Lynn's Pov

  'The boy hasn't stopped staring at me. Though I don't blame him. He's just making sure that I don't try to kill him.' (If you couldn't tell Lynn's railo is full of murder).

The man that brought me here turns and exits . He motions for me to follow; so, I exit and close the door behind me, taking one last glance at the boy and girl as I do so. 'What an odd child.' Me and the old man thought at the same time; just at different people. (Lynn doesn't think of herself as a child).

I was brought up a steep mountain following closely behind the old man. He stopped at the very top and began walking away slowly. "Do you want me to follow?" I questioned in a very monotone voice. "Make it down the mountain and to my home before the sun rises, and you will pass my test." He stated, disappearing into the shadows.

'Is he being serious right now? That is such a simple task. There is no way that's all. Does he really think some fog and trees are going to stop me from passing this test?' I deadpanned.

Tanjiros pov

They left abruptly after that. I sat there for a few seconds before thinking, 'I hope she passes the test. But even if she doesn't, I'm sure Urokodaki wouldn't just kick her out like that. Would he? Hopefully not.'

Back to Lynn's pov

I began to run back in the direction I had just come from with quick speed. I then almost got hit in the face by a rock. It had presumably come out of no where. That's when I realized. 'This mountain is trapped.' I looked a few feet ahead of me at some conveniently placed leaves. I shuffled the leaves to the side, and noticed that they were in fact covering a pit. 'Good thing I didn't run into this, that would have been bad.'

I proceeded to dodge several more opsticals, such as logs and rocks that would try to hit me, trip wires, and even more, not so well hidden, pits.

After What felt like forever, (which was really only 45 minutes,) the familiar cabin came into view. I slowed my pace down the rest of the way. Then, I knocked on the door lightly, but loud enough to be heard on the inside. It opened shortly after and I saw the boy, who was taller then I first presumed, as he was about my height. (5'3 is Lynn's height, 5'5 is Tanjiro's height. Lynn will grow taller).

He was shocked when he saw me. A brief moment passed before He allowed me to enter, by stepping to the side, which is when I noticed that tea was brewing.

Tanjiros pov

Urokodaki came back alone, which was expected. My thoughts never once pealed away form the girl. 'Will she pass? Is she strong? Where and when exactly did her and Urokodaki meet? She seemed so mature for someone my age.'

  After entering, Urokodaki got started on brewing for some tea. It was probably less than an hour, when I heard a faint knocking sound on the door. I got up and approached it with my hand held at to open it. 'Is it, no, it can't be. It's too soon.' I think looking out the window, noticing how the moon was still high in the sky.

  But, when it opened, I was meet with the same beautiful eyes I had longed to see once more. 'How had she returned so quickly? Was she really that strong? Or was I just really weak before training?' In my shock I allowed her to enter and stepped to the side. She noticed the tea was done as it was screeching loudly from the tea pot.

  Urokodaki noticed Lynn and paused. Perhaps in shock as well. "That was quite fast." He spoke. "I had a task. I completed it." She put simply. I couldn't help but internally fan boy at her voice. 'Still a beautiful and angelic as before.'

  "Please do take a seat." Urokodaki motioned at a spot in the floor , in front of the table. "You as well young Kamado." I obliged and sat across from her. 'She seems very tense.' I noted. 'She sits in a fashion that she can easily jump up and attack or possibly run. As if she is expecting to be jumped at a moments notice. Why though? Had Urokodaki intimidated her? Did she feel threatened by Nezuko?'

Lynn's pov

  I was told to sit at the table on the floor. Where the boy I had discovered was Kamado Tanjiro, sat across from me. 'Why are they so welcoming? They just meet me, and yet they have given me several opportunities to attack them? Why? Did they not see me as a threat, perhaps?' The old man sat beside Kamado-Kun. As he passed us both a cup of fresh hot tea. 'It could be poisoned.' A voice reminded me in my head.

  "My name is Urokodaki Sakonji... and as you already know.. this is Kamado Tanjiro." The old man stated. "You will both train to be demon slayers. Specifically, water breathing. Breathing styles have been used to help slay demons for centuries. Water, is one of the oldest breathing styles." He explained thoroughly. "What are these.. demons?" I asked, cautiously. I still had my guard up.

  "Demons are creatures that were once human.  A man known as Muzan Kibutsuji, is their king. His blood is what creates demons. He, is your target. He has been around for more than a thousand years; and is the first demon to walk the Earth." He continued, "the demon king, Kibutsuji, created an order, known as the Twelve Kizuki. They are the strongest demons there are. And no, the demons do not range outside of Japan. They live solely here, but if the demon king and his demons become stronger, he will rule over Japan and possibly the world."

"Is he strong?" I questioned. "No one knows, because no one has ever fought him or even seen him and lived to tell. We don't even know what he looks like, where to find him, or what his powers are." "The girl you see behind me.. she is one of these demons. However, she will not harm anyone. She has been in a coma for months, we are waiting on the day that she will wake up." Urokodaki-San stated as he motioned toward the girl from earlier.

I now had a better view of her. She slept so peacefully. With long beautiful hair, that seemed to be tainted to an orange color at the tips. Her skin was fair, and held no scars. Unlike the people of my railo; unlike Kamado-San and Urokodaki-San. Her nails were long and sharp, like mine. My pupils displayed their slits as I observed. Capturing every detail. 'Why do we want to kill these poor creatures? She seems so peaceful?'

I turned back to the duo, to ask, "why must we kill them? What have they don't to deserve being slaughtered?" 'Do they just kill for fun? Even on my railo we only kill to survive. You never know who you can trust.'

"They hunt us as well." Urokodaki began to explain. "Demons can regenerate their limbs as well as have abnormal amounts of strength, speed, and reflexes. Their only weaknesses, and the only ways to kill them are by decapitating them, using a special type of ore. We use that ore to make katana's to fight them with. They also, can't go in the sun. They will burn to death if exposed to the sun for long enough." I nodded for him to continue. "The stronger demons have blood demon arts. Those are an extra power that they have..... The stronger the demon.. the more likely they are to be in the Twelve Kizuki. The Tweleve Kizuki are split between upper and lower moons."

"That doesn't answer my question, why are we hunting them?" I questioned keeping an unemotional tone as I talked. "In order to have these inhuman abilities. They feed off of human flesh. In order to live forever." 'I guess that makes since.' "Now then, rest up, tomorrow I will train you both." Urokodaki finished.

I stood up and headed to the cot on the ground. And I got a nod of approval before laying in it. 'So.. soft..' I pretended to sleep but kept a tight monitor on them. 'I will not let them kill me.'

Tanjiro pov

  After Urokodaki-San explained to the girl, she headed to the bed that was laid out for her. It was a simple gray cloth that was beside Nezuko. Urokodaki gave her a nod of encouragement and she slips into the bed. It seemed that she was asleep.

  I waked over to my own cot, and began to fall asleep. "Do you know her name?" I asked after I had laid down. Urokodaki-San just shook his head. "She.. has yet to tell me.. she seems very, on guard." It was true, she was very reserved. Yet, still maintained respect toward us. 'Why does she wear a mask when she sleeps? Is it a religious thing? I never knew of anyone other than Urokodaki-San that wore a mask all of the time.' Those were the thoughts that wrapped me into a deep sleep.


Word Count: 1580

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