First Mission

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Tanjiro's pov

We arrived at the village that night and found a young man who claimed that a girl vanished. Nezuko was in my back in her box. While Lynn was standing beside me as she silently surveyed the area around us.

"I want you to believe me, she really did just disappear!" He cried out from behind us as we walked. Lynn and I both stopped, I turned around and reassured the man in the purple haori. "Don't worry, we believe you." I put my hand on his shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. "After all, that is why we're here, to stop who ever is causing this!" I finished.

Later that night we continued searching through out the town. The boy from before continued to follow us. "Are you really going to keep doing this?" He asked us. "Yes!" I responded immediately, Lynn just kept silent. "Come on, it's getting late." He complained. "Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered that you're so concerned. But, shouldn't you rest for now? You can pick it up again in the morning.."

Lynn and I both halted, I then dropped to the ground staring at the dirt. "They're only active at night," I replied to his question. "I sense something nearby." Lynn warned us, folding her arms against her chest. "Wait a second, don't you both- you're a-" he asked crouching down to my level.

I smelled the demon, the scent was easier to find now. Both me and Lynn ran off in the same direction towards the where we knew the demon was. Leaving the boy behind, "hey, wait up!" He called out running in an attempt to keep up with us. We both left into the air, scaling the roof tops. Lynn passed me and jumped off the roof, "the sent is getting stronger!" I called out, as I kept down landing beside her. "They're right here.." Lynn stated. 'She's right, the demons are right here, but how come I can't see them? Are they invisible?' The alley way that we were in was empty. The wall on one side was white with a dark wooden base. The other was the same wood but a fence. It was too high to see over. 'Maybe the demons behind the wall? Or could it be in the house behind us?' The ground was dry with small rocks in the rough soil.

We both had our hands on our swords. Ready to draw them out at a moments notice. I was the first to draw my sword. The black blade stretched out between my eyes in front of me. I kept up a fighting stance to prepare for a demon to attack me. "There's two scents." I commented to Lynn. "A female girl, under the age of 18, and 3 demons that seem to merge in one." 'Man, we haven't even seen the demon and she already knows so much about it. She's just so perfect~.'

I took a few steps towards Lynn who was to the right of me. 'The scent it's strongest... here!' I stabbed the ground with my blade, the ground was mushier than it should be. The ground opened up partially, revealing a black lake that was under the surface. A green colored kimono began to floor up to the surface. For a second I was confused until I saw a human arm poking out. I immediately reached in and jumped back, pulling out a girl dressed in a long greeen kimono that reaches her ankles. The right sleeve was torn around her hand, I assume whatever demon was down there was holding onto that part of her kimono. So when pulled her out, it toot. Upon landing, Lynn rushed over and asked me if the girl was ok. Her voice was monotonous, but I could make out the slight worry in her scent, she did well in hiding it. 'She really doesn't have to hide her emotions around me.'

Lynn's pov

When I looked back, I saw the puddle had shrunk. However, there was a hand sticking out of the puddle. The skin was a sickly blue-pale color, the claws were sharp and were back and dark blue. The sleeve was black and stopped just before the wrists. Clutched in the demons hand was the torn piece from the girls kimono. They retracted their hand before poking their head through and staring at us menacingly. 'So this is a blood demon art, it's basically just a "gift", or at least that's what we call them on my railo.'

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