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u/v:  I'm sorry for this urgent announcement. Don't worry, this won't count to the 5 chapters I will be updating.

The reason I made this announcement is to apologize and also inform you, that I will be having some changes. But, not with the story or plot.

To begin with, this story was a FREENBECKY AU story. However, I find it more interesting when this book become more fictiony. Making or giving you guys an actual person name will limit your imagination and mine.

I won't be changing any event, name or whatsoever. All I want to say is that this is no longer a FREENBECKY AU. But, I will still be using their names. So imagine who you want, imagine how you want to. Be free, and let your imagination run wild!!

For those who aren't fond on my decision, I am sincerely sorry for not being able to do what you want. Feel free to stop reading if you like

I write stories because it makes me happy and make other people happy. Not to please people who wants the story to flow the way they do.

Before I started writing, I already created a plot outline that I MUST follow. So changing a bit about it because you don't like it will change the entire thing. I already have a short summary, so it is what it is. PLEASE NO HATE.

your author, ungreatedvicious

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