Kisses and Overthinking

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Trigger Warnings : talks of nudity (?), prescription, and first time.

It was six in the morning when his alarm started. Chan was quick enough to turn it off, before he looked around a bit disoriented.

They were all sleeping on the futons, sprawled altogether like a big cuddle pile. They didn't seem to have woken up from his alarm thankfully, though some of them groaned in annoyance before falling back asleep.

Chan quietly stood up to crouch down next to his bag, taking out his pills from his bottles before gulping them quickly. He took his water bottle and sipped peacefully as he stretched himself with a weak hum.

Just thinking of last night made his skin crawl uncomfortably. He knew he had to talk about this at some point, but well, he didn't think he could cry this much. This was kind of embarrassing.

He sighed tiredly, before deciding to take a quick shower. It would be better for him since the shower might be taken for too long with the others.

He took his necessities before going into the bathroom, locking the door quietly. He took off his clothes, watched the mating mark for a few seconds, before he decided to enter the shower.

He wasn't in his best mood with what happened last night, and even if it helped him greatly, he wished he didn't say anything.

He sighed tiredly, regretting now wasn't going to help either. He focused on washing himself, quickly and efficiently and tried to forget his future problems.

Future Chan would have to take care of that.

Chan flinched when he heard someone trying to open the door, maybe to use the toilet and quickly finished.

"Chanie hyung, I need to use the bathroom," It was Hyunjin, sounding sleepy but pressing.

He came out, wore his robe messily, before he unlocked the door, his hair still wet, "Hi Hyunjinie."

Hyunjin seemed suddenly more awake for some reason, "Uh, hi," he spoke, eyes zeroing on his chest before he flicked it somewhere else. His ears burnt warm.

Chan let him in, before going back in front of the mirror to take the hairbrush and a towel, "You can use it, I'll just wait outside."

Hyunjin nodded, weirdly silent. Chan didn't question it, simply walked out and closed the door, closing his robe better with a knot. He took the towel to dry his hair, eyes wandering on the other still asleep.

"Where's Jinie ?" Felix asked with closed eyes, voice deeper than usual, clearly not ready to wake up.

"Bathroom," He answered before brushing his hair quickly. It wasn't like he had long hair anyway. He heard the toilet flush.

"Come sleep back hyung," Felix complained, making the older chuckle. "My head is killing me."

Well, now that he noticed the trash bin full of empty bottles, they might have drank more than he thought.

"Can't, I'm still naked, I'm waiting for the bathroom."

Felix leaned on his elbows and forced himself to open his eyes, bloodshot, "You're not, you've got your robe," he huffed and plopped back down with a groan, "come on hyung," he whined, "Jinie's gonna take time anyway."

Chan blinked, "What ? Why ? He just needed to use the toilet."

"He's gonna shower right away," Seungmin piped in with a huff, "please, be quiet, I'm trying to sleep."

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