Times Together, Hopeless Love

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Trigger Warnings : mentions of pain during pre-heat, heat and periods, heat prescription, minor hand injury.

In less than a week would be Jisung and Felix's birthday. And the week after, it will be Seungmin's.

Chan was excited for this week and the next one, he was maybe new in the group dynamic but they all had managed to welcome him well. Which also meant, Chan knew they wanted him to participate in their birthdays.

The thing was, he didn't really know what to buy. Felix loved video-games, he thought of buying him a game ? Or maybe something related ? Jisung was obsessed over Ghibli movies, he could buy, like a Totoro figurine ? Or maybe he'd need to know his favorite movie. And Seungmin... he didn't know a lot about him.

He seemed to like some things but never fully ? He was kind of nonchalant on the whole thing, Chan didn't think he'd ever seen him being completely invested in something.

So today, he was going to spend some time with Seungmin, Felix and Jisung.

(He'd also need to ask the others what they will buy so they wouldn't have something duplicate.)

"Seungminie !" He called and jogged to catch the younger already walking to one of the university buildings.

The younger looked at him, "Yeah ?" He asked as Chan started walking by his side, and holding on Seungmin's arm with an innocent smile.

"Nothing, just wanted to accompany you," he replied and Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"As if, you do know you're easy to read ?" Seungmin retorted with an amused smile, Chan blinked excessively.

"I'm not."

Seungmin snorted, before bluntly asking, "What did you want ?"

The older puckered his lips, "I can't spend some time with you ?" he sulked childishly, but Seungmin ignored it. Chan sighed, "But it's really that, I just thought we could spend more time together ? I don't really know you well yet," he trailed, looking at the muddy snow taking their streets, "what do you think ?"

He hadn't noticed but Seungmin was already looking at him with an amused smirk, "You don't know what to buy me for my birthday, isn't it ?"

Chan paused for a few seconds before his ears started burning up in embarrassment, "No, completely not—" he laughed awkwardly before clearing his throat, "why do you think that ? I know exactly what I'll buy you, for real. Don't worry," he grinned awkwardly, making Seungmin snicker.

"If you say so, I feel like you were going to do the same for Lixie and Sungie," Chan looked away, finding the snow incredibly interesting. Seungmin cackled, "Fine for me, even though I don't really care about gifts, just Felix isn't going to school today," he told him and Chan looked back up in concern, but Seungmin shook his head, "his heat started."

"Oh," he muttered, he forgot for a second that Felix and Hyunjin were normal Omegas. They didn't use any prescriptions to stop their pre-heat and heat. "How long does it last ?" he did remember his heats and preheats which were always painful and agonizing. He remembered passing out from his pre-heats a bunch of times, and for his heats, he simply remembered the awful pain and the helpless horniness he would go through, something he hated. He couldn't help but wince in empathy for what Felix was going through though.

But did that mean Felix was on his period this week and he didn't even notice ?

Well, Felix's clearly build different.

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