ch 17: Broken to the Bones

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Chapter notes

I always wanted to write an Amnesia fic, where Vegas forget Pete. But I wanted a solid plot for Amnesia , that's when I got another idea what if Pete had to Endure the cruel circumstances just to be near Venice without having the liberty to say that Venice is his baby, and Vegas can't solve his agony....

that's when I mingled the two ideas, where Pete is suffering but Vegas doesn't know

And this chapter is an example of why I named this Fic 'Endurance',

happiness which comes after sadness makes you happy 100 times more, is the way

the sadness after happiness breaks you 1000 times more....

Broken to the Bones and soul without hope.

Story starts

Nop picked them from the airport , as Pete was still sleepy he leaned his head on Vegas shoulder to sleep, Pete is habituated being close to Vegas in the trip ....

Vegas smiled looking at Pete, Pete covered his scent again with scent patches,

He is glad that he took this holiday with Pete ...

Nop smiled at them, seeing from the mirror hoping maybe they would go back to VegasPete who were ready to mate ...


As Nop is driving the car into the compound and he sees Gun's car parked at the entrance. It was not there when he went to pick Vegas and Pete from the airport...

He looked back at Pete who just opened his eyes. Looking at Nop's expression Pete looked out and got scared watching the car . He immediately moved away from Vegas,

When Nop parked the car , Vegas got down along with Pete. Pete immediately realised he is stinking of Vegas Alpha's scent...and Vegas has Venice's scent on his, not Pete's.

Pete thanked God that he wore scent patches before getting into the flight , his scent is not on Vegas ...but he knows he can't enter into the house with Vegas' scent on him like this.

Gun will kill him if he smells Vegas' scent on Pete.

" khun Vegas. I had something in the outhouse. You can go inside first , I'll come after" Pete wants to get away from him as soon as possible

" You can take them afterwards Pete. Just take rest now, we travelled so much "

Pete shook his head vehemently

" It won't take that much time. They are important. " He looked at the door again scared that Gun is watching them or something

" and it looks like your father is here ,khun Vegas, and you have a scent of an aeroplane on you . Maybe it's good for you to take bath first and talk to him afterwards , you know" Pete said like he is suggesting a good option ...

Pete is not gonna take a chance, even if Gun whiff little of Pete's scent from Vegas , he will kill Pete on the spot...

Pete looked at Nop and Nop nodded , giving assurance that he will make Vegas take a bath before talking to Gun...

Nop again reminded Vegas to take bath and Vegas just looked at his father and smiled from the door.

" I'll talk to you after I freshen up , Papa . I have to put Venice on the bed."

Gun nodded with a smile but it dropped when Vegas turned around and climbed the stairs...

He is seething inside and couldn't digest the fact that Vegas took Pete on vacation and didn't tell him the destination even.

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