she knows

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Siobhan was closing the nursery that evening. It was her and Charlotte. Charlotte was a key holder and Siobhan was the remaining manager for the day.

The two didn't share much in conversation. All Siobhan could really gather was that she was excited to speak to Mia later that evening.

Mia was a difficult subject for Siobhan. The knight family annual ball of 2023 left the two women with some, unsettled tension. Siobhan had felt lucky, up until this point, for not having bumped into Mia.

Siobhan was ahead of Charlotte, Charlotte was still inside, fumbling with the alarm system while Siobhan waited outside. She wouldn't be long, but Siobhan wanted to make sure she got out safely before she went home.

She couldn't help but think about the encounter from earlier that day. The way that Vivian held her, as she cried. She still couldn't place where all of the emotion came from all of a sudden. It was painfully overwhelming. It was basically instant, as soon as Reece walked in the room. Maybe thats what it was, Reece was his father's son, physically speaking. And Siobhan didn't know Reece well enough to gauge their similarities. Not that there were any, Reece was a fiercely protective man who was actually capable of love. This much was clear to Siobhan during his interactions with Marjorie.

She wondered if Marjorie ever felt afraid of Reece. But she didn't want to pull at that thread.

Outside was dark, and cold as she waited for Charlotte. It was a numbing kind of night. Siobhan felt like she could use her own numbing.

She really couldn't think about Vivian for long. It broke her to know that she had told Vivian to leave. But she felt like she had no choice, roger was very good at making her feel like she didn't have a choice. She wanted Vivian to be safe. She had a child who needed a parent for God sakes. Siobhan would never have been able to forgive herself if something happened to her and that little boy.

Siobhan wondered if she would ever get to be a mother. She had surpressed the need for a child in recent years, wanting to take things slow with roger. But it lingered, deep down she still feels like she wants a baby more than anything. Something to feel immense amounts of love towards. Was she worth having a baby with?

She was pulled out of her thoughts when out of the corner of her eye she saw a certain red head. She stood still seeing Mia, frozen into place. She knew that Mia was only here to collect her sweetheart, but she couldn't help but think about all the times Mia would do Rogers bidding.

She was used by him too.

That, was strangely comforting. To see another woman, who was used and abused by the same man as she was. To see her find the strength to get out of her situation. She wondered if Mia had put together these pieces.

"Hey shibby" she teased "how are you doing? Are you like, okay?" Mia struggled to get out the second part.

"Don't call me that" if looks could kill, Mia would be dead.

"I just, oh god what can I say?" Mia was aware of the cameras dotted around the nursery, she followed Siobhan to her car.

"Siobhan" her tone was more serious this time. "I just want you to know, I know. Keep in mind I was still a "puppet" when he changed. But I heard things Siobhan and I want you to be okay"

Siobhan didn't know how to answer. She knew? Amelia fucking Roberts knew. How did she know? What gave it away?

"Sweetheart" Mia's tone softened "you did an amazing job at hiding it, but you shouldn't have to. You don't deserve this Siobhan. And the only thing gave it away was the fact that I was in your position once too. I went through a similar thing with roger." It was almost like she could hear Siobhan's thoughts.

"Why are you telling me this?" Siobhan managed to answer.

"Because you deserve to be recognised. I know that Vivian woman has her own thoughts, but I know what he's capable of. As soon as we can get you out of this, the better. You can have your own life back, I can come home for good."

"Come home? What do you mean?"

"Come home, and be with my sweetheart, permanently. With roger still dictating and calling the shots, it's not safe yet."

"And what if I don't want to leave?" Siobhan was scared, she still felt as if she loved him. She had realised he didn't really love her. She was scared. Would she be able to find someone else who would spend time with her? Even if it wasn't always quality time, she was grateful that roger was willing to spend time with her.

"You will" Mia said, noticing her sweetheart. "Give me a call if you need anything" and with that she had gone to meet her Charlotte.

Siobhan took a minute. She needed to digest and process the whole conversation.

What was she going to do?


She had a realisation. She had no idea if in the past month she had a period. Oh god. She couldn't place it, she couldn't remember.

Fear overwhelmed her senses as she stood in the pharmacy aisle. She bought 4 and took herself off to the customer toilets.

Three minutes, three minutes is all it took for her life to change. Could she make it work and raise a baby with roger? Was she selfish for thinking that this could change him?

She had no way of gauging how far along she was. She wanted this so bad, she wanted a baby but she couldn't bear to bring it in to Rogers dictatorship.

With trembling hands, she flipped the tests over and was met with a tiny positive sign.


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