Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Two Angels From 5766!

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"Alright, that's enough storytelling for now." The Teacher explains, looking at the time, "It's time to meet Professor Chrome and the other Professors at the Lab for the tour. Get in line all of you. Kiryu, Ryoma, no squabbling with Mercury today. I will tell your mothers." Kiryu looks over at the Professor.

"I don't squabble. Ryoma does." Kiryu comments.

"He's a punk." Ryoma mutters.

"The only correct answer is YES PROFESSOR!" The teacher snaps.

"Yes Professor Bya!" Everyone exclaims and he sighs.

"That nickname is never going away." He responds and everyone lines up like they are told.

A beautiful ten year old little girl with long brown hair and sky blue eyes is shown getting in line as she walks over to join her buddy group. The group consisted of Amethyst, a boy with blue hair and blue eyes, a jet black haired boy with green eyes, a boy with blond hair and blue eyes with his little twin sisters who looked just like him, Kiryu and a boy with white hair and teal blue eyes like his mother who looks up and smiles at her when she approaches.

"Chrysi!" He exclaims with a grin. Before Chrysi could join him, a curly mess of black hair moved into her view.

"As lovely to see you as always, Chrysi, are you going to accept being my girlfriend today?" The boy asks.

"Not in a million years, Cedar." Chrysi blurts out.

"I could have told you that." Kiryu mutters.

"Mercury, did Xiana say that Uncle Xeno is giving us a tour of the lab today or is it actually Professor Chrome?" Chrysi asks.

"I think she said it was Professor Chrome. That's at least what Professor Bya told us." Mercury explains. All the kids were lined up by their age. The oldest kids, Ryoma, Laila and a few others were in the back. Children that were born at the end of the mission of Reviving Humanity that the kids were learning about now. They are led to the lab by their teacher to the Lab.

"Alright everyone, single file so we can head over to the lab!" A way too responsible for his age due to him being the son of a former priestess leader of Ishigami Village little boy states.

"Terra's at it again. He's not the boss but thinks he is." Amethyst mutters.

"Way to ruin all the fun of a field trip." Mercury sneers with his arms behind the back of his head as he walks beside Chrysi.

The second generation of the Kingdom of Science was started by Professor Bya, Ryoma, Kaze, Onyx, Kaito and Laila. They were the first of the second generation and then teaching them began. After that, the rest of them started to be born over the last ten years. They were a wild bunch of best friends but they looked up to the first generation and loved hearing the stories of what it took to bring the world back from a stone world to what they were living in now. At the moment, the secret work of the Kingdom of Science was to make a time machine that would be working at any minute and then they'd get to go and experience the world before it was petrified.

The kids head to the lab and the doors slide open. Waiting inside were three figures, a white haired girl who looked a combination of her mother and father, an older boy who looked like his father but with his mother's one pink eye as both of his and his father who was chewing a tobacco cigarette since he wasn't allowed to smoke inside.

"Xiana! Henry!" Chrysi calls out.

"Our friends are here." Xiana mutters, "Elegantly late as per usual."

"I was having class. Which you two should be in." Their teacher scolds, crossing his arms. He stops and looks up at the male. His scowl turned into a smile.

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