23) #imagine with Jay McGuiness - gladtheycame

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"Watch it will ya" you yell, as some random teenage kid barges past you in Starbucks, the very shop you work at, you have done for the past year and a half.

"Sorry" you mutter as you crash into someone, too caught up in yelling at the younger boy that you failed to see the man that you had crashed into. 

"Looking at the floor isn't that interesting" a voice rung out, you look up and smile,

"I know but with a temper like mine, it's best just to keep my head down" you joke,

"Hey, you work here?" he asked, brushing his unruly curls out of his eyes,

"Nah, I just wear the apron for the fun of it" you reply, smiling all the same.

"Oi, Jay" someone calls, the man standing in front of you turns momentarily before looking back down at you.

"Erm, could I possibly get your number?" he mumbles, smiling. You nod, smiling back as your gaze flickers to his eyes, his beautiful, big, blue eyes. He pulls out his phone as you realise what you've got yourself into, you don't even know his name for God's sake! He sees the panic written across his face and chuckles slightly.

"What's so funny?" you ask, slightly confused yet less than impressed.

"My names Jay, Jay McGuiness"

"(Y/N)" you say, returning the gesture and shaking Jay's hand.

"Hey, erm, you free tonight?" he asks, his blue eyes becoming increasingly interesting to you as you find it hard to look away. You simply nod, not knowing how to reply because your mind is memorised by his eyes.

"Meet me at the bowling alley by the cinema, I'm taking you out tonight" he grins cheekily, winking at you.

"Wait, what time?" you manage to stutter out, finally breaking away from his captivating orbs.

"7" he winks one last time before turning to his friend, the one who had shouted at him earlier in yours and his conversations. He waves, smiling a cute lopsided grin before exiting the shop with his friend.

"Bye" you whisper, still trapped in the conversation you still had. It looked like you had a date to be getting to later tonight it looked like life was brightening up.


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