13) #imagine with Nathan Sykes - emharrington1

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Your in a line with your bestfriend for a CD singing in HMV with The Wanted, you was both massive fans and constantly tweeted them - but never once have you got a simple RT, net alone a follow or a tweet, you was wearing your white top with TW in a bubble writing form and that was filled with small photo's off the boys, tucked into a pair of black denim shorts,you had your new Chasing The Sun EP in hand and you looked round to see your bestfriend, she was giggling and jumping away with excitment, you both giggled more before the line moved forward, before you knew it you was infront of the man you most wanted. Nathan James Sykes. You couldn't manage to speak any words until you looked over at your bestfriend, she was sat giggling and talking to Jay - her favourite member, you plucked up the courage to finally speak to him,

"Hi Nath" you say quietly almost in a whisper,

"Hello, what's your name?"

"Er, (YN)"

"Aw, that's cute, beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he smiles softly, showing those straight white teeth he's got, Nathan James Sykes, from The Wanted, yes the biggest boyband in the world just called you beautiful, you blushed as he handed back your CD,

"Oh your cute when you blush too" he whipsers loud enough for you to hear as you walk onto Jay,

"Hey Bird" you smile, more confident then before,

"Hey... (YN) looking at were Nathan had signed, he smiled and laughed before looking at Nathan, obvouisly reading what Nath had wrote,

"You seem to have made Mr. Sykes a very happy boy" he chulckled, as you both turn to look at him, his face had brightened and his smile was a lot bigger, you lok over to wear your bestfriend is now talking to Tom,

"You seemed to of made my bestfriend a lot happier as well" you giggle,

"Well, she's very pretty, cute, funny, excitable, thought-"

"Alright Jay, enough of the sopiness" you wink at him, causing him to burst out laughing, blushing at the same time, causing Nathan to send death glares towards Jay,

"Alright no need to get jealous Nath" Jay jokes, Nathan starts to blush and looks away from you, carrying on with the girl infront on him, she's a 4 year old girl, he get's out of her chair, bending down to give her a hug, she giggles as he picks her up, spinning her round, she throws her head back and laughs, he puts her down carefully, looking at the girl she was with, obviously her sister, she catches me looking and stares at you, making you feel uncomfable. You move on to Tom, Max and Siva and they all sign your CD cases, and you meet your bestfriend at the end, you walk out of HMV, smiling away, your mum is waiting in the car, you both jump in, and head back to yours, you get back, run upstairs, and collpase on the bed, reading the things the boys wrote on the CD, Jay wrote,

"Hey (YN), you and Nath?;) Hehe, thanks so much for supporting us this far and I hope to see you soon hun! Stay safe, lots of love, Bird x" Tom's was underneath,

"Hey! Thank you for staying with us all the way through, your special, don't ever forget that, everyone will be jealous because baby Nath was so into you;) Hope to see you in the future, love you -Thomas Sexy Parker;) x" Next was Siva,

"Hello darlin'! So I see it's not only me that caught you and Nathan flirting;) (YN), we love you, -Seev x" Max had drawn a little arrow to his sentence,

"Ohh, (YN) and Nathan sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G in a tree..- hold up, thanks for all the amazing support so far and I look forward to seeing you at the next tour! -Max x" what was that supposed to mean, lastly you read Nathan's, he'd wrote in the middle,

"Hiyaaaa! Always remember something, '(YN) is a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl, now turn over to the other side of the case...." you flipped over only to see a bunch of numbers and more writing,
"-that's my number, text me if you want, I'd be more then hapy to talk:-) I'll hope to see you soon love! Lots and lots of love, Nathan Sykes xx"

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