3) #imagine with Nathan Sykes - LidaTW

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You and Nath had been bestfriends for years and your birthday's in a couple of days, you live in the house with the boys but they're in America, this is the first birthday you going to spend without Nathan. You're home alone when you hear the doorbell, you get up to answer it and your mailman is standing there with a envolope decorated, he hands it to you and smiles before walking off, you close the door and walk to the sofa, making yourself comfty before opening the letter. You hesitate before opening it then carefully open it, trying not to ruin any of the decoration. You find a letter enclosed reading;


This is the first birthday I would not be spending with you, and I felt bad, so you've got a day to pack your stuff, stuff for partying, swimming, shorts, tops, anything summery!;) Because you're coming to America! There's a ticket hidden in my bedroom, top draw in my bed side cabniet, under my hat that you give me:) oh bring that too! A car will collect you at 5am and your flights at 7, I'll meet you at the airport in America! Before you worry, I've already asked Jayne and so on, she said it's fine! I'll see you soon! Oh and I've got your birthday present! So have the boys!;)

Lots and lots of love,

Your crazy but lovable bestfriend, Sykess! 


You scream and start getting ready for the next few weeks, it's going to be a blast.

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