4) #imagine with Tom Parker - jaynee_TW

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You look over Tom, he's hand interlocked in yours and he smiles at you as to both enter the room for your 20 week scan

"Good morning guys" the nurse smiles, she sits down in her chair as you roll your top up, enough to reveal your baby bump.  Tom's on the edge of his seat, waiting to see what sex his and yours baby is. 

"Ok, you guys are having a.... Baby boy!" you turn to look at Tom who's now jumping out of the seat, you smile as you get up and the nurse hands you the scan photo. You walk down the corridor hand in hand with Tom. You get outside and he picks you up bridal style.

"(YN), you've given me all I wanted, thank you and I love you" he smiles as his lips come crashing into yours. He pulls away, still smiling, his breath ticking your face, your stomach doing flips, missing his touch already.

You get outside the house you two share with Max, Michelle, Siva, Nareesha,, Jay and Nathan.

"Babe are you ready to tell them?" he asks you

"Course I am" you smile back,

"Let's go then" he replies excitedly, he knocks on the door. He tells everyone to get into the front room, all the boys of course wanted a boy so they can teach it how to play football and compete to try and get him to support each others club and get him to the pro standard on fifa...

"Okay guys, we're having a little boy!" Tom announces all the boys get up, hug you and then have a man hug, then jump about.

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