16) #imagine with Nathan Sykes

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"Nathan?" you shout,


"Where's Izzy's shoes?"

"I don't know!" he replies, walking into the room and leaning against the wall, watching your every move.

"You took them off her smelly!"

"You smell more then me and have you tried looking in her cupboard?" Nathan teases, causing you to smile as you get up.

"Ah, thanks!"

"Okay, she smells, your turn!" He laughs before placing Izzy down on the changing mat, giving her one of her toys and leaving you to get her changed.

*Later on*

You walk out the house you share with Nathan, he takes the pram which has Izzy is, pushes it with one hand and uses the other one to grasp yours. You walk down the road to Jess's and she's taking care of Izzy tonight, she opens the door, letting you and Nathan in, she unclips Izzy out of her pram putting her into her play pen thing that she brought for when Izzy's at hers, she wheels the pram down the hall out of the way before taking the bag from you and placing it in the kitchen, she goes back picking Izzy up and sitting on the sofa with Izzy securely in her arms,

"Jess, your going to be an amazing mum you know." You comment, smiling.

"Thanks, but your great too! Although she has Nathan's eyes! To be honest I think she's going to be a daddies girl!" Jess laughs, poking your little girls' nose.

"So do I, they look so alike." Jess smiles before giggling at Nathan who had now picked Izzy up off the floor from crawling and was making funny faces at her, he realised you two were watching before he kissed Izzy's little button nose and smiled.

After a cup of tea and a catch up you and Nathan head home, he walks home, his arm around you as well as holding your hand, you get in, take your coats and shoes off only to be pushed against a wall, Nathan, pins you up against the wall by his body and kisses you passionately, the kiss depends as his tongue find entrance to your mouth, yours doing the same. He pulls away slightly, allowing you to catch air,

"You don't how long I've wanted to do this..." He mumbles against your lips, making you want more, he picks you up, holding you up by you bum and carries you upstairs...

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