28) #imagine with Nathan Sykes - KimberlyTheWanted

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"You see, your mum was a family girl, I was a pop star, those things normally don't end well"

"So how comes you two ended up like this?"

"Well, Eleanor..." you start, closing your eyes as you re-live the sweet memory.

"I can get that for you" he smiled, you'd pratically just run into him on your hurry to get home in time for dinner. Family was the most important thing to you.

"Thanks" you smile, taking your art folder from college out of his hands.

"That looks like some pretty impressive work"

"Thanks again" this time, you feel slightly foolish, stranger danger or what. This could cost you your life.

"I'm Nathan by the way"

"(YN)" you reply, as you take his firm handshake.

"You should try doing something with your art you know, like get a professional job"

"It's not that good" you murmur, afraid that this boy, man even, was lying to you just to do something crazy.

"You should get in touch with these guys, I'll put in a good word for you" he grins, his cheeky but charming smile took you away to the moon and back three thousand times.

"Who are they"

"Just someone I work with, I think they might see you as a good candidate for them"

"Well thanks..." you reply, a little unsure whether to trust him.

"Well, I hope to see you soon, for all you know. We could be working along side each other pretty soon" Nathan chuckled, the same dazzling smile appearing on his face.

"Maybe" you mutter back as you stood frozen in your place, watching as Nathan walks away from you, completely unfazed. You on the other hand... well that's a different story.

"And that's how me and your dad first met, but he just didn't tell me he was one fifth of The Wanted, an international, boyband with thousands of fans" you laugh yet narrowing your eyes at your fiancee, you will never let that one slide, you will forever hold it against him.

"Hey, we still worked out perfect didn't we?" he chuckled, pulling you close as he wrapped his arm around you, whilst your faces were practically hugging each others.

"I guess" you whisper, pecking his lips softly.

"EWWW. Boys have cooties!" Eleanor yelled, jumping down from beside you on the sofa and running away, covering her eyes yet having her fingers spread apart so she could see where she was running.

"Well I think, we worked out just great" Nathan whispers, pressing his lips to yours.

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