14) #imagine with Tom Parker - EmMcGuinessParker

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Your sitting outside watching Tom play with your daughter and son in the pool, you see him whipsering something to them so they get out and run towards the house, you start to clear up their plates from dinner and their ice-cream wrappers , Tom comes up behind you taking the plates from your hands, turning you round to face him, distracting you from the kids who are now sneaking up behind you,

"Hun, the kids want to give you something..." he spins you back round, resting his hands on your hips as your daughter hands you an evelope,

"Open it mummy!" you son shouts getting excited, you look up to Tom, he smirks&winks at you before kissing your forhead, you carefully open the envelope you was givven, to find a small pink case thing, you open that to find about 150 pounds in, your still confused but smile and hug your daughter anyway, then your son hands you an envelop,

"This will explain mum" your daughter explains in her sweet voice, making you look down into her beautiful big brown eyes, a identical pair to Tom's, both of your kids look like him, your snapped out of your daydream when Tom pokes one of your sides, making you squirm and giggle before recomposing yourself ready to open the other envelope, you open it to find 2 tickets for a plane flight, your still confused, Tom spins you around to look at him,

"Babe it's your birthday next week so I spoke to the guys and we wanted to do something special, now when was the last time, me, you, the lads and the girls hung out together without the kids?" you shrug, it's been 6 years since your first child was born - your son, Max Anthony Carlos James Parker. You and Tom became exceptionally close with Max and Nathan before the birth of your child so you named it after each of them Max coming from Max of course, Anthony coming from Parker, Carlos coming from Jay and James coming from Nathan's middle name, you giggle remebering the thought of when you told Nathan that his middle name would have James in, he nearly cried with happiness, you also named Siva and Nareesha god-parents.

You snap out of of it again when Tom continues,

"I spoke to your mum and dad, they've agreed to take the kids for 2 weeks whilst you, the boys, the girls and I take a trip to Ibiza then to New York!" he hugs you as a tear runs down your face...

"T-t-thank you so much Tom, I love you." Tom giggles wiping away your tear with his thumb,

"(YN) I love you too." you smile as he pulls you close, telling the kids to get ready for bed, as they run in you heard your little girl say

"Mummy and daddy are so cute together!" as your son agrees, you look at Tom laughing, as he leans in, is breath tickling your face, he kisses your lips softley, sending fireworks off, like it's the first time you ever met.

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