2) #imagine with Nathan Sykes

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Your walking along hand in hand with Nathan along the beach. He's just got back from tour so he decided to book a short, 7 day break to Greece for you both. Of course before taking you back to Gloucester for 2 weeks to see his family before he went back to studios and out to America to do more promo. Nathan stops in his tracks looking up towards the top of the beach where there's a group of boys sitting, around the same age, you can tell he's nervous, he always thought that you deserved better then him, but you always stuck by him.

"Nathan, I'm yours, not theirs! Now lets show them!" you whisper before winking and pulling him towards the sea. He smiles and gives in letting you pull him. You leave your shoes on the sand and run in together. You jump on his back as you mess around in the water, he drops you then turns to face you.

"(YN) I love you."

"Nathan James Sykes, I love you too." a massive smile appears in his face and the sparkle in his eye brightens, as it does everytime you say that you love him. He leans in, his nose touching yours,  his lips centimetres away from yours, he leans in closer and his lips crash into yours, sending fireworks off and butterflies erupting inside, you feel him smiling as you kiss back, he pulls away, finally getting out of the water and grabbing both pairs of shoes, he starts to walk as you catch up to him, you let him grasp your hand as you walk back up and sit on the rocks together, just enjoying each others company.

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