10) #imagine with Tom Parker - ZaraWills

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Your at a work company party, you work for your aunt, Jayne Collins. You're her assisant but she's never allowed you to meet The Wanted, a boyband that she manages here in the UK. You stopd with a few work friends until Jayne gets up into the small stage,

"Thanks for all being here tonight to celebrate the success that The Wanted have made over the past 3 years, so now, we have a special performance for you all" she smiles and walks off stage. You carefully walk over towards the stage to see 5 boys standing in a row. Of course you know their names, they're known worldwide but Jayne has never allowed you to meet them. They start with Lightining, then Warzone, then Lose My Mind, Chasing The Sun and Glad You Came following. They then run offstage and get into the crowd, you can see a few of them round you but your not bothered. You can hear Max sing the start of Heart Vacancy, you look back towards the stage to see Nax standing there with a girl, then comes the chorus, next thing you know, Tom's grabbed your hand and pulled you onstage. He sings his parts to Heart Vacancy before allowing you off stage so he can finish by singing All Time Low along with the others

Minutes later your stood at the bar.

"Hello there beautiful" you turn around to see Tom standing infront of you smiling, you reply and spend the night getting to know eachother. Eventually Jayne comes to take you home. Tom grabs your waist, pulls you close, and kisses you, your stomach turning and filling with butterflies. He smiles and whipsers

"Call me" before walking off. You realise he slipped a piece of paper into your hand which has his number off. You smile to yourself before walking over to meet Jayne.

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