12) #imagine with Siva Kaneswaran - susiemullo

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Your at your parents, every so often you go to stay at home and Siva goes back to his parents. But this time it felt different to normal, when Siva dropped you off he seemed tense and awkward. You decided to let it slip but he hasn't called or texted over the few days you've been apart, he hasn't been on twitter either. He's suppossed to be picking you up in a couple of hours. Your stuff is ready and packed in your bag that is now waiting in the hallway. You smile humming the tune to Chasing The Sun as you walk downstairs, your 14 year old brother already downstairs trying to make pancakes. Most brothers and sisters argue but you and him have a more of a mature friendship. You laugh as he tries to flip the pancake, so you stand behind him, like a mother would helping their children take cakes out of the oven, and place your hand round his and the handle, sliding the pancake to one side and flipping it with him, afterwards he thanks you and smiles, getting a plate out of the cupboard and placing it on the counter, you grab a chair and place it next to the counter, you watch him pick up the pan and slide the pancake to one side. He flips it, moving the pan out if place and replacing it with the plate, causing the pancake to land perfectly on the middle if the plate.

You hear the door bell go and leave your brother to get the lemon juice and sugar out and make your way down the hallway to the door, you open it to see Siva standing there, he smiles and you move letting him enter the house, your in a pair of light grey joggers, that you borrowed from Nath because they were comfy, and a black vest top, he takes you by the waist and kisses your nose before you close the front door, then take his hand and lead him through to the kitchen. You let Siva sit down and then you sit on him, he smiles and kisses your head, your brothers still making pancakes but he's making them for hinself now. 

You finish, getting up and washing the plate, then kinfe and fork, you sit back down snuggling your head into Siva's chest and inhaling his smell. 

"Is it alright if we leave earlier? I've got things to do and I wanna take you out tonight!"

"Course we can, let my parents get up, then we can say bye and head home!" you reply. He smiles and kisses your head again. You hear your parents get up and make their way downstairs, you sit around talking for an hour or so then say bye. Siva picks up your case like a gentleman and takes it to the car. He smiles as he opens the car door. You then remember how awkward he was being a few days ago and how different he's being now... Your snapped out of your thoughts when Siva asked what you did, you smile at the memories of you and your brother going to the beach and pushing each other in the water, then his ice cream melting all over him. You soon end up falling asleep.

You get woken up by Siva lifting you out  of the car, he carries you upstairs then tells you to be ready for 6. You smile and look at the time, it's now 2 so you get in the shower and decide what to wear, he also told you to wear a summer dress sorta thing, so you decided on a white summer dress that has a black belt with a bow, you then decide to have your hair straight and your make up natural. You look at the time it's 5 minutes to 6, you smile and think ahead whilst gathering your keys, phone and sunglasses into a bag, you walk downstairs to see Siva already waiting. He smiles

"Your beautiful" slipping his hand into yours, you thank him and smile back, you both say goodbye to everyone else and walk 5 minutes to the beach, it's summer so it's still warm, you walk down and along the sand until you reach a less busy part of the beach, you look round, it's deserted. You refocus on the beach infront of you and see a blanket with food and flowers on it, also a few candles, probably for the #SivaView picture later, Siva leads you over and sits down, patting the space next to him.

A few hours later and it's still warm out, your getting up and talking to Seev, it all goes quiet so you turn back to hin, when you realise he's not directly infront of you, you look down, he clears his throat and starts talking

"(YN), you've been mine for 3 amazing years, you've seen the growth of the band and I and I want to thank you for it, I haven't been happier since forever and you light up the room but everything you do, not matter how small or big, but there's one more favour I need to ask you... Will you become mine forever and be my wife?" he smiles hopefully.

"Course I will!" you reply his smile changes instantly as he slides the ring onto your finger getting up and hugging you. You kiss him then he pulls away

"2 questions.... Why was you acting so awkward the other day...-"

"Well that's because I had to tell my family that I was proposing and I had to ask your father."

"That explains alot! And second question, are we ready to go home?"

"Well... I had another idea" he winks, picking you up bridal style and running into the water.

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