18) #imagine with Nathan Sykes - NatashaCase5

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"You ready babe?" Nathan asks you, holding your hand tightly,

You and Nathan had been together for 6 months now, them being the best 6 months of your life. You were orginally one of the dancers for X-Factor and you me Nathan on a rehearsal, you've got along ever since...

He's treated you perfectly, you're constantly round the boys house and he always manages to make time for you, despite being one fitfh of The Wanted - one of the world hottest boy 'groups' as people say.

"Nathan, we're on a rollercoster, your the one who should be scared!" you giggle,

"Hush up!" He chuclkes, poking your nose,

"Lets go!" You shout, Nathan's face goes slightly pale as you set off.


"Never. Doing. That. Again." Nathan breathes,

"Oh, come on Nath! It wasn't that bad" you giggle, Nathan's never been good with rollercoasters.

"I'll be fine... One you give me a kiss of course"

"If you wish Sykes" you smile, pecking his lips lightly,

"Where are we off to next?" Nathan smiles, intertwining his fingers in yours,

"I want one" you say, pointing at a massive teddy bear, suddenly acting like a 4 year old,

"I shall get you one then beautiful" Nathan giggles at your immaturity,

"Really?" You ask, surprised,

"Anything for my princess" he smiles, kissing your cheek.

He soon wins you a teddy bear and you walk around hand in hand, your other arm clutching your massive teddy,

"Ready to go home? You look shattered" Nathan asks,

"If you are, I don't mind!" You smile, not wanting to ruin Nathan's day out too.

"Let's go then" he smiled, picking you up bridal style and carrying you out of the theme park. He slids you into the passanger seat, clipping your seatbelt in place and placing the teddy in the back. "Sleep tight beautiful" he whispers as you pull away from one of the best days of your life.

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