27) imagine with JayMcGuiness - TW_Misha

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"I really don't want to do this" you moan, looking towards your best friend of 3 years. Being the dominant and strong willed girl she is, your best friend simply laughed it off, telling you that you don't know half of it.

This confused you even more.

"Can you at least tell me who I'm going with?" you ask, trying to perfect the puppy dog eyes for the hundredth time this evening.

"No! That would ruin the point of a blind date! Now stay still before I purposely burn you with these" you sigh and turn round, allowing her to get to work with the straighteners.

Half an hour later, you are forced in front of a mirror, to determine whether you like your hair or to change the style of it. Instead of your crazy dark brown curls, you're hair is pin straight and reaching down and finished at the bottom of your boob. Smiling, you decide that having your hair straight once in a while can really make a difference.

"I don't know why you don't go and get your hair relaxed!" You roll your eyes and ignore the comment your friend made, watching her in the mirror as she dramatically wipes her head, pretending to get rid of the sweat that had built up after sixty minutes of working on your hair.

"My hair is doing it's own thing, just let it be free" you comment, standing up from the chair finally and you let out a sigh of relief due to the fact you now have a numb bum.

"Ok, your ride will be here in the next few minutes"

Seven minutes later, you're being rushed out the door and ushered into the black range rover.

"Evening miss" the driver calls, you reply politely and stay quiet for the whole 20 minute journey as you listen to the radio that is on at a low volume, playing Roar by Katy Perry.

Finally, the car stops as you begin to wonder where you are as you near the outside of town.

"Your date will be waiting for you just inside, m'am"

"Thank you" you smile, getting out the car and approaching the restaurant with your heart hammering and your head pondering. Who could the mystery guy be?



"They seriously set us up?"

"Yeah, I guess"


"There's no point in crying over spilled milk, let's just have fun" Jay commented, a smile on his face.

"That still makes no sense to me"

"Shut up and come on" Jay laughed, sending a wink your way.

And that is how, you and Jay, now engaged, become a couple... And that is the story you will tell your children, and grandchildren in hope, that maybe, their love maybe as amazing as yours were.

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