7) #imagine with Tom Parker - Step_TW

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You had an argument with Tom and you walk out, tears streaming down tour face, you go to Max's because he's the one your closest to. 

Half an hour later there's a knock at Max's door, you get up to answer it as Max is making tea, you drag yourself off the sofa, wiping your eyes and getting rid of the excess water that is under your eyes. You look in the mirror and smile before opening the door.

"Tom?" he looked like he'd been crying too. His grey hoodie covering his head so fans wouldn't see him in the street.

"(YN) please, let me explain?" he asks pulling down his hood

"Tom, I don't need an explantaion, I just need you."

"I need you too." he says before smiling and stepping closer towards you,you wrap your arms around his neck as he wraps his around your waist, picking you up just high enough off the ground to move you from the doorway. He closes the door with his foot whilst carefully placing you back on the floor, he looks straight into your eyes and leans closer, his nose touching yours

"I'm sorry" he says as he leans in even closer, his lips crashing into yours, bringing back all those memories of when you first met. He smiles as he pulls away, locking his finger between yours and turning towards Max who was standing on the doorway smiling.

"Thanks for taking care of her Max" Max laughs and replies before shouting bye. Tom once again pulls his hood up and walks out, this tine with your gand interlocked with his.

You get home to see all the pictures of you and him scattered across the front room table, he turns to you and whispered

"If I couldn't bear to be without you for 30 minutes, I couldn't bear to without you ever, so will you become mine and take my last name?" as he kneels down on one knee, you smile and reply

"Parker? Is this your way of asking me to marry you?"

"Well yes. So (YN) will you marry me?" you feel your smile grow as you nod your head. He slips the ring onto your finger and kisses you.

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