24) #imagine with Siva Kaneswaran - ZayleeCheer

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"(YN) this is Siva, Siva this is (YN)" your sister smiles, looking between the two of you and pointing to each of you in turn. You smile and hold your hand out for the charming young man to shake in front of you. Instead of shaking your small hand, he takes delicately in his and brings it up to his lips,  kissing your hand gently as your smile widened.

"Pleasure to meet you" Siva smiled realsing your hand from your grip.

"You too" You smile back, your cheeks beginning to hurt from all the smiling you had done in the past few minutes.

"Well, I'll leave you guys too it" your sister states, winking and grinning at you before turning on her heel and bouncing away, you and Siva both watch after her as her brown curls follow her as she walks away.

Later in the night, you had been whisked away from Siva and you were on the dance floor with a friend of yours. You were planning on dancing away until the sun rose again and you were pretty intent on this happening.

"So you and that guy?" your friend asking, wiggling his eyes brows making you laugh as you danced together to the fast beat of Die Young by Kesha.

"What guy? Siva?" You ask, moving your hips along to the music as it blasted out of the speakers in the far corner. Your friend nods and smiles, sending a playful wink your way.

"May I interfere and have this dance?" an adorable smile plays on his face as Siva looks between you and your friend, before finally resting his eyes on you. You smile back.

"I guess so" your friend chuckles, before leaving you and Siva on the dance floor as Ellie Goulding's cover Your Song took over from the last song, causing you to take a deep breath and relax before your eyes find Siva's again.

"Hello again" you giggle, Siva chuckles along, nodding in time of the music.  "What brought you back over here?" you ask.

"I came to see if I could ask a beautiful girl for her number and I am even hopeful she will agree to a date sometime soon"

"And who would this beautiful girl be?" You tease, winking at him. Siva takes a step closer to you and a you detect the small smirk that's playing on his face.

"You, silly girl" he whispers in your ear, his lips grazing your skin as a small shiver runs down your spine.

"Well maybe this beautiful girl would most definitely give this boy her number and would accept his offer for a date straight away" you smirk, wrapping your arms around his neck as he leans into your ear again.

"Then it's sealed" he whispers, kissing your cheek quickly before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulls you into him as you danced together.

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