21) #imagine with Nathan Sykes - TMB_TW_LMxx

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This has been the longest few minutes of your life and now you don't even want to know. A two year relationship could disappear because of one mistake.. One night.. One moment.  

"(YN)?" Your bestfriend Gracie calls from the door. "(YN) come on, I'll be here for you" she sighs, you unlock the bathroom door and sigh heavily, "Have you looked yet" she asks wearily.  

"Nope" you admit,  

"Want me to look with you?"  

"Erm... yes please" you cry, she calms you down before you look a both of the tests.  

"Positive" you say, your voice barley audible. You let the tears run down you're cheeks, not caring anymore, you thought you'd always do things right in life but now that's taken a turn for a worse.  

"I need to call N-Nathan..." you stutter,  

"Come on then hun" Gracie smiles, walking through and sitting down on your bed.  

You pick up your phone from the side. Pressing the green button to reveal your recent calls. You hover over Nathan for a couple of seconds before finally pressing the green call button once more.  

"Hello babe" Nathan's Gloucester deep voice rings through the phone. You struggle to speak,  

"Hi, can you come round? I need to speak with you" you say, hoping Nathan won't realise that you've been crying.  

"Love, have you been crying? And I'm leaving now"  

"No, I- just- I'll see you soon" you sigh,  

"Alright (YN), I love you" he says,  

"Love you too" you reply before disconnecting your call.  

"Is he on his way round?" Gracie asks, looking at you, you simply nod in response to her question. "Alright, better get going then" She sighs, hugging you, "call me if you need me, let me know how he takes it." she adds, letting you go and leaving you in your bedroom, you hear the front room door slam as you look around.  

Your walls are covered in pictures of you and your friends partying, you and Nathan on dates or just random pictures you've taken together, you, Nathan and his bandmates, Jay, Siva, Max and Tom on tour in america and some from your holiday in Greece earlier this year. So many memories flood round your head making you smile but that's replied with a frown when you realise your life won't be the sane anymore.  

You're snapped out of your thoughts as the door bell is being set off. You take a deep breath checking your reflection in the mirror before leaving your room. You answer the door to you're beautiful boyfriend, Nathan James Sykes.  

"So you have been crying" he says sadly, looking at your red puffy eyes.  

"Come on" you sigh, pulling him in by his arm and closing the door behind him. You lead him upstairs,  

"So what's up?" Nathan questions, sitting down on the bed, watching you pace backwards and forwards,  

"I-I'm sorry" you break, crying your eyes out.  

"What? Why are you sorry?" Nathan asks frantically, rushing to your side and scooping you off the floor and into his arms.  

"I- I, we've been foolish and stupid" you start, breathing slowly again, taking each sentence at a time. "And now... Now I'm carrying your baby. I'm sorry Nath, I really am" you say, turning away from him, not being able to look,  

"(YN), hun, I love you and I will love you and our little one forever. I don't care what I have to do to make sure you're both alright, even if it means leaving the band" Nathan begins to say but you immediatley interrupt him.  

"Believe me when I say this. You leave The Wanted, I will leave you. I don't care what you say. You are not stopping your career just because it's different from others, just because it's demanding, just because of me and our baby" you say.  

"Alright, I won't leave the band" he sighs before continuing, "but I will be here for you. We'll do this together and I have a small surprise for you, I was planning to do this all romantically but ya know.. Now's the perfect time" he smiles, getting down on one knee, pulling a ring out of his pocket.  

"(YN), we've been together two amazing years now but I already know I want you in my life forever, I have done for a while now, I love you and always will, you're perfect, everything about you is perfect, from head to toe you're perfect and now to find out that we've got a little one on the way is breathtaking. Honestly, I couldn't have met a better girl and I can't live without you, so will you make this one of the few days that make me happiest and do me the honour of agreeing to becoming my wife?" Nathan asks, smiling hopefully.  

"HELL YEAH" you shout, nodding your head and throwing yourself at Nath,  

"So that's a yeah?" Nathan chuckles,  

"Yeah" you smile,  

"Come here then" he says, pulling your left hand away from his neck and sliding the ring onto your finger.  

"It's beautiful" you gasp, it's a simple silver band with a fairly big diamond in the middle two smaller diamonds either side of it.  

"Not as beautiful as you" Nathan smiles, kissing your cheek,  

"And you said it was a small surprise" You giggle, looking at Nathan,  

"It was, well compared to you telling me that you're pregnant that is" Nathan smiled,  

"I love you" you whisper, kissing him,  

"I love you more princess" Nathan mumbles against your lips before kissing you again.

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