26) #imagine with Siva Kaneswaran - Fightingharder

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"Siva! Where the hell are we going?" You moan as you grow impatient. You bring your hands up to rip the blindfold from your eyes.

"Nu-uh. You've got to wait" Siva chuckles, taking your hands in his. You begin to curse at him, moaning due to the fact that you didn't want to wait and you've much rather be at home. Siva stops you and you feel him walk from behind you to in front of you before the blind fold is pulled off from being secured around your face. The sight that your eyes met was breath-taking. You were on a rooftop, overlooking the River Thames, including the London Eye, Houses of Parliament and many of the other landmarks that were stood proudly by the river. As the night begun, the river lit up, the South Bank of the River coming to life as many people ventured out near the river for dinner or as groups even couples, paid out to take a trip up the London Eye.

"It's stunning" you whisper to Siva as his hands find your waist and he pulls you closer to him as you both look out along the river.

"Just like you" Siva whispers back, you can feel a cheesy smile plaster itself onto your face as you embrace the moment together. "Have you ever been on the London Eye?" You shake your head as you turn to look at your boyfriend.


"Good because I've got these" he chuckles, showing you two tickets for the landmark. You squeal and thank Siva, as it's always something that you've wanted to do. Stuffing the tickets back in his pocket so he won't lose them, you speak again...

"Thank you so much"

"Anything for my princess" Siva smiles, bring his lips to yours as he cups your face with your hands, your arms wrap around his neck as you pull him closer to you, never wanting to let him go for a second.

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