Maxbot Mishap (Killjoy centric)

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Killjoy was hidden in a little clove in the training room, turret beeping softly as it watched her side, Alarm Bot and nanoswarm at the other side as she frantically thought of a plan. She had been in the training room, since Brimstone said to keep their skills sharp. She had pulled out Maxbot, though Maxbot was somehow stuck on his hardest setting, probably from one of the duelists forgetting to turn it back, however she couldn't change the settings. Her phone was safely in her locker, and her bracer wouldn't connect to Maxbots servers. She was already bruised from getting knocked back, and her arm and leg stung from grazes of the bullets when she had slowed slightly.

Killjoy could hear the bots heavy footsteps coming closer, and the little ting from her turret when Maxbot got into range, though it was swiftly destroyed. Taking a breath she slunk towards the other entrance before just turning and bolting for the door again, yelping when Maxbot started shooting at her again. She didn't even hear the bot jump, eyes widening as he lands in front of her and tries to skid to a stop and turn, only for the bot to grab her jacket and throw her back against a wall with a grunt. Slumping down against the wall she tried to orientate herself and get back up before maxbot reached her, to only get grabbed by her arm and thrown against the wall again before thrown away from the bot. Pushing past the pain and fog she pushed herself up, gun now forgotten at the bots feet, and running away again. "Cmon please... Someone's bound to come in eventually right..?" 

She dove under cover as the bot started shooting, and scanned the room for the doors. If she gave herself enough time she can reach her laptop and shut down Maxbot, but thats only if she can get away from the bot that matches the agents its fighting. "Gunna start having people pair if its Maxbot.. So they can shut him down." Killjoy whispered to herself, as she finally spotted the door. Pushing herself off the wall she starts racing to the door, hearing the bot shooting and following her willing her feet faster she grabbed a nanoswarm and threw it just in front of the Bot, detonating it, though it doing nothing since maxbot just jumped over it, she raced through the doors and grabbed her computer off the table. Opening it she got to Maxbots programing and shut him off, just as he reached the doors. 

Slumping against the couch she breathed a sigh of relief, still really high on adrenaline but grateful that she got him shut down. Taking a moment to just breathe and calm her heart down, she felt the adrenaline rush slowly leave her body, leaving her tired and lethargic as the pain started filling her body. She let her eyes clothes, body worn out and fell asleep on the couch. She had no idea how long she was there for, only waking up when someone shook her shoulder gently. Groaning softly she opened her eyes to see Jett, Raze and Neon looking at her concerned. "Killjoy? What in the world are you sleeping here? And why do you look so beaten?"

"Maxbot was set to Hard, didn't realize and didn't have the stuff to stop him." "Why didn't you just call for backup?" Neon said, as Raze sat next to her girlfriend to check the grazes and heavy bruising. Killjoy shifted slightly so raze could sit and hissed in pain as she shifted her ribs, catching the attention of the duelists. "Okay, im going to get Sage.." Neon stated, before turning and running out, a small trail of lighting following behind her. "Comm broke when Maxbot surprise attacked, and my phones in my locker." "Sorry about that Killjoy, I thought I told the boys to reset the settings." Jett said as she sat on the table in front of the couch, shaking her head and looking ready to kill the two Radients. "It's alright Jett, this just proves we need to have someone in the locker room to shut down Max if needed.. and I should've checked the setting regardless." Killjoy leans her head on Razes shoulder, her head feeling heavy, though knew she shouldn't sleep until Sage comes in. 

As Jett and Raze talk with Killjoy, Noen returned with Sage, who immediately headed for the engineer. "You got lucky against him Killjoy.. getting away with minimum damage.." Killjoy just turned her head away and nodded. "I-I know.. It slipped my mind to check his difficulty, but this is why we should have a new rule with him.." Sage glanced up seeing the engineer turned to the window facing the training room. "If training against Maxbot, at least  one other agent has to be with them. So they can shut down Maxbot if he gets to be to much for the agent using him. The computer stays in here regardless, but he broke my comm before I had the chance to call for help, and my bracer can't connect to his servers.." Killjoy turned her gaze to the healer, who smiled and nodded. "Alright, I'll talk with Brimstone about implementing the rule in okay? Your all done just take it easy for the next couple days." KJ nodded and smiled back softly. "Thanks for the help Sage.." "Cmon KJ lets go watch a movie!"

Killjoy smiled and got up with her girlfriend and the other duelist following them out after grabbing her phone from her locker. She had paused at the door, staring out the windows of the doors to Maxbot, just standing there. She huffed softly though startled when a soft hand touched her shoulder. Turning to the healer, they shared a look before both exited the locker room. Both in a mutual agreement to make sure no one else gets severely hurt by Maxbot again.

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