Hold your lover close (Killjoy/Raze)

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based off a headcanon I found on Tiktok, basically: Omega raze tricks Alpha Killjoy that she's their raze, and Killjoy believes it until she's about to get hurt, which in turns hurts the real alpha raze and alpha Kjs relationship an trust for awhile.
Btw if yall have any more Headcanons, story ideas or anything feel free to tell me and i can do them to the best of my ability!) (Astra, reyna, Jett, breach)

"Sova Killed, they are retreating from A" The Astral agents voice broke Killjoy from her thoughts as she straightened herself. It was a normal day of keeping Omega from planting their spike and stealing their radientie, and Killjoy was looking forward to the movie night when she gets back to base. She held her phantom closer, hearing footsteps close in to her spot, and freezes when she noticed Raze. She saw the exact moment her girlfriend saw her, face brightening and large smile on her face. "Killjoy! there you are!"  of course this wouldn't be her raze.. Alpha rze was back at base and Killjoy would have noticed if her girlfriend snuck on the ship. she didn't have to much time to dwell on it as a gunshot went off, gaining both their attention and footsteps confirmed that omega was on their way. 

Her Alarmbot didn't ding as they entered the site, which confused Killjoy, and almost costed her as she ducked under cover at the last minute. a fireball sizzled past her and landed just behind her, and as she moved again she heard Gekko send out both wingman and Dizzy, effectively blinding them both. "kay/o downed" Reyna said, her laughter ringing through the Comms. "there is still three left, footsteps A main." "I got Gekko over here, got him though!" With Raze's Grenade, and her nanoswam they managed to kill gekko quickly, just as her teammates announced they killed the last agent. "Alright, ill call down the vulture, Killjoy grab and secure the spike." Astra said through the comms. "Arighty, looks like Gekko had it." KIlljoy moved to B Main, after recalling her bots and crouched down to grab the spike. As she turned to face Raze, said duelist was already in motion, kissing her softly. Killjoy melted into the kiss and when the pulled away slightly dazed.

 Before she could say or do anything Raze suddenly backhanded her, knocking her back a few steps. Killjoy yelped softly, bringing a hand to her burning cheek, confusion clear. "What was that fo-" Before she could finish the sentence Raze once again pushed her back until her back was flush against the wall. after the backhand, Killjoy had dropped the spike, and now it laid a few feet away as Killjoy stared at her girlfriend confused. "Raze?" That word seemed to be the starting word, as Raze suddenly threw a punch at the engineer. Unable to block it, she took the full hit, head banging against the wall harshly and leaving her blinded for a second. The second punch had her doubling over, falling to her knees gasping for air. "Why would I date someone so useless in fighting." Another back hand, harder than before, knocked Killjoy to her side, whimpering softly as she tried to push herself up. "Your useless without your bots." Raze said kicking the engineer and sending her rolling a few times before stopping on her stomach. Nasua rolled in her stomach as she tried to blink past the tears and blinking stars. She could hear her teammates calling her name in the comms, wondering what was taking the engineer so long, but before she could answer, the world went dark. 

"Where is this damn engineer.." Reyna said, groaning in annoyance as she leaned against the vulture. "No idea.. Was she killed?" "No she killed off Gekko just fine, and responded when you said to obtain the spike." Breach said simply, arms crossed as he scanned the 3 entrances for the Engineer. "I'll go look for her, im quick so it wouldn't take long." Jett said quickly, already preparing to dash forward. "Alright but be careful, we have no idea." Jett nodded and dashed to the entrance of B site, holding her vandal close as she checked Killjoys usual hiding spots, and finding nothing, even checking Markets and mid brought her nothing. Heading to B main, she saw a green object sitting in the hallway, upon closer look she noticed it was Killjoys beanie, and her glasses where a few steps away. Pocketing both objects she turned the corner and gasped softly. The engineer was laying limp at the entrance to the site, bleeding from a gunshot to the head. The pool of blood around her was staining the normal puffy jacket of the engineer, and when jett rolled her over, saw bruising on her face. "What the hell...?" Jett whispered softly, carefully checking her friend for any more injuries though she was dead, and finding two cracked ribs.

"Uhhh I found her.. It looks like Omega was rough with her, tell base we need sage as soon as we land.. on my way back." Jett hear the confirmation from the team before picking up her friend, still surprised with how light the engineer was, despite the amount that Killjoy eats. tapping into her powers she shot forward quickly, heading back to the ship. "Jeez.. did you see any other omega agents?" Breach watch as jett walked up and put the engineer in the ship's small med bay, shaking her head. "Nope, there was nothing, not even the spike.." "Shit.." "Of course the engineer couldn't complete a simple request." Reyna muttered, rolling her eyes as she sat down. As the vulture took off, Jett glared at Reyna. "Killjoy is serious when it comes to the bomb, I'm sure she had a good reason for it." Reyna just scoffed ending the conversation there, and instead glaring at the opposite wall. Breach and Jett had struck up a quiet conversation, as Astra contacted base. "Brimstone, we got one agent down, need Sages revive and heal as soon as we land." Astra could hear brimstones worried tone as he responded. "Alright we will meet you there, whos down?" Astra hesitated to tell the leader, since Kilroy was practically his daughter, though Brim was the commander. "Killjoy, we also didn't obtain the spike." She heard Brimstone take a sharp breath before answering. "Alright We will see you when you land."

When they landed the hanger was in motion. Sage ran in, and with Jett's helped got Killjoy's body on a stretcher and started towards the hospital wing. Brimstones face tightened when he spotted her body, as did Raze who was standing right beside the commander. Without waiting for any words, Raze bolted after the wind radiant and healer, as Brimstone confronted the other agents. Raze stayed out of the way as Sage checked the bullet wound, to make sure the bullet wasn't stuck, and healed the wound, wrapping Killjoy's ribs as well before reviving the young engineer. "Your duty is not over." Raze watched as Killjoys body was encased in jade, before it splittnered leaving the engineer, laying there, the steady beeping of the heart monitor had calmed all of them, and as her girlfriends skin regained color Sage spoke. "She will still feel the pain of both the wound and cracked ribs, all I did was revive her and healed the head wound. she will be fine now." Sage said to both of the duelist who nod. "Thank you Sage." Raze whispered eyes still looking over her girlfriend for any signs of discomfort. Sage just nodded and left the two duelist to watch over their friend. 

It was a few hours later when Killjoy showed signs of waking up. Raze had been dozing against the bed though when she heard Killjoy shuffling she straightened. She watched as Killjoys ace scrunched before opening her eyes slowly. Chuckling softly at her girlfriends face she gently put her glasses onto her face, fixed by cypher, though didn't expect the reaction she got. As soon as Killjoy could see, she looked around trying to figure out where she was, though when she spotted Raze she hal screamed and tried to get as far from her as she could. Raze was imiediatly confused, holding her hands up though as killjoy fell from the bed, she got up to check on her. "woah love.. its okay Klara.. it's just me." Killjoy just scooted until her back was against the wall, covering her head as if expecting raze to hit her. Raze was so confused at her girlfriends reactions, as Sage ran in. "What? What's wrong?" Raze froze again, eyes wide in concern. "I-I dont know.. she woke up and immediately freaked out..." Sage walked over to the cowering engineer, and gently touched her shoulder. "Klara? What's wrong kid?" Killjoy murmured something that Raze couldn't catch, as she shuffled from foot to foot with anxiety. Sage turned to face raze for a second before whispering something back to her, and Killjoy looked over at Raze. Raze gave a soft smile to her girlfriend, hoping to calm her nerves. 

Sage got up, and gently lead Raze abit away allowing the Sentinel to relax. "Well, it looks like the Omega Raze tricked her.. and hurt her." "WHAT? how did she not know it wasnt me..?" "i dont know.. but be careful with her okay?" Raze just nods faintly eyeing the sentinel, who had moved on the bed, wrapping her arms around her knees. Sage watched the two before leaving. "Remember gentle." Raze walked slowly to the engineer on the bed, raising her arms in gentle submission. "Okay Killjoy. its me i can promise you I will not hurt you okay?" She made slow measured steps to the bed, relaxing when Killjoy didn't move then obviously tensing. letting Killjoy see her hands, Raze gently reached over and gently touched her shoulders. When Killjoy relaxed, Raze smiled and slowly sat beside her, and hugged Killjoy softly. She was surprised when Killjoy hugged her back tightly. "You know I won't hate you, or hurt you love I promise. I got your back okay?" She felt Killjoy nod against her, and tightened her hold on the other engineer, promising herself to help killjoy.

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