Carving pumpkins (Jett/Pheonix)

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"Why the hell do you have pumpkins in here?" Vipers voice startled the two delinquents making one drop it out of fear. "We didn't do anything wrong! we were just going to decorate the protocol for halloween!" A white haired radinate said, putting her hands up after she finished putting the pumpkin on the table. Viper just gave them a glare, before just sighing and shaking her head. "Did you clear this with Brimstone at least?" Both agents nod quickly, a little to quickly but it gets Viper to sigh again and leave the kitchen with a stern, "Clean up after yourself" and muttering something about them being children. 

To further prove her point Phoenix stuck out his tongue at the back of Viper as she left, dissolving both into a fit of giggles. Once they recovered Jett turned to the pumpkins. "You ready for this? OOO we should get everyone else in on this!" Phoenix eyes lit up and he nodded, watching his girlfriend dash off to tell their friends about their plan. While she was gone, Phoenix started grabbing the tools they needed from the bag they had bought earlier, sitting on the other side of the kitchen before they grabbed the Pumpkins. Multiple footsteps had him looking up to see Jett, Yoru, Neon, Raze and clove, all excited to make Jack-O-Lanterns. " Alright! Choose a pumpkin then go ham! Brims only rule is it can't be inappropriate." Yoru frowned at that but nodded following the girls to grab a pumpkin and start cutting it open to gut.

It was chaotic with all of the agents in the room, seeds and pumpkin guts were all over the counters, some dripping to the floor. All of their clothes and bodies were coated in it, mostly from Raze, Jett and Yoru getting into a fight with the guts. Pumpkin was thrown all over the walls as well creating a amazing sight for anyone walking past. Phoenix and Yoru had started a competition on who can make the best Jack-O-Lantern, and were both intently staring at their pumpkins. Raze had gone with a explosion (of course), while Clove did a butterfly, not understanding that it was supposed to be scary, not that any of hem minded, Neon had did a lightning bolt with a bat. Yoru had made a witch, while Pheonix started making a ghost, both boasting that theirs was scarier. which of course resulted in a fight on what was scarier, a witch or a ghost. Jett had gone with a black cat, and was egging both the boys on, cackling madly. "Witches have potions and cats bro! they are definitely scarier!" "Ooooo someone scared of a little kitty kitty???" "No?! Why was that the thing you focused on!" "Well ghost can haunt you, and appear out of nowhere so they are definitely scarier." "Nu-uh! witches are!" "No, Ghosts!" 

"They both are scary! What's more scary is how pissed Brimstone and Viper will be at the state of this kitchen." Clove butted in, having enough of the boys arguments. that had all the young agents pause and look around the room with wide eyes. "Shit.. how'd it end up like this?" "From the fight of course.. we gotta clean it up before either commander find it." "We are in big trouble if they do..." "Awh cmon im so close to finishing thooooo" Raze shook her head and went to the sink to clean off her hands, before grabbing the cleaning supplies underneath said sink. With some reluctance the boys followed and grabbed a wipe before picking a side to start on and started cleaning. Clove and Jett chuckled as they started cleaning the pumpkin and seeds all over the table and floor while Raze started with the counters and putting most of their tools in the sink. It was quite aside from the soft mumbles from either Phoenix or Yoru, an had gotten decent progress when in walks the commander himself. they all froze as he walked in, Talking with Sage, before pausing to look around the room, and at the 5 guilty agents. 

"......Should I even ask?" He said finally after a long stare off between the agents. Sage just smiled, quickly hiding her face behind her clipboard to hide it. "....No?" Phoenix said softly with a shrug. Brimstone sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and muttering something about "Dumb kids" before turning on his heel and leaving. Sage followed behind, after telling them they should hurry to clean the place before taking her own leave. She was right of course since not long after they finished up, and luckily finished their pumpkins, they got a call for training. "Ughhhhhh great.. Punishment." Yoru said as they all filed into the training room, a confused Killjoy sitting on the couch with Cypher, watching the still pumpkin covered agents file in. She made eye contact with her girlfriend, who in turn shrugged lightly, and Killjoy just shook her head in mild fondness before going back to typing whatever she was typing.

Finally.. was the first thought Jett had as she collapsed into bed, the black cover inviting as she curled vertop of them. The pillows still smelt like Phoenix, which had her smile softly, before the bed dipped indicating that said boy laid down. She turned and cuddled into him with a sigh feeling him relax and wrap a arm around her. "Today was fun.. maybe we should make it a yearly thing!" Phoenix said softly, to Jetts snort. "Yeah did you see how angry Brim got? I dont think we will be allowed to do this again. but it was fun." Phoenix chuckled softly and kissed her forehead before closing his own eyes, allowing the peaceful moment to lure them both to sleep.

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