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'Hello? Sadie are you here?' I hear Jane's muffled voice from behind the door. Then I realize how long I've been sitting here, crying because of that fucking bitch of a Blake. I quickly wipe my tears away and stand up. I open the door to see Jane standing there. 'What were you-' She stops talking immediately when she sees me. Shit. My mascara must have run.

'Is everything okay?' Jane whispers. I shake my head and fight back the rising tears. Jane steps inside our room and closes the door. Then she pulls me in a tight hug. I can't hold the tears anymore.
'What happened Sadie?' Jane's voice is soft and caring. I don't deserve such a good friend.

'Blake.' I say, tears rolling down my face again. Jane knows everything Blake did to me, and how he made me feel. What he made me do. A small growl comes out of Jane's mouth. 'I'll fucking kill him. What did he do?' I swallow hard. 'He..' I begin. 'He what?' Jane says. She sounds mad. 'He kissed me.'

For a few seconds I only hear my heavy breathing. I look at Jane. 'He's fucking dead. How dare he fucking-' 'Jane...' I try to interupt her. You don't want to see a mad Jane. 'Why the fuck did he kiss you?! And how fucking dare he. That son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill him, I swear if he touches you one-' 'Jane!' She finally looks at me. From the look on her face I see she's very mad at him. As she should, but I need to calm her down a bit.

'Calm down Jane, please.' Her gaze softens a bit, but she doesn't answer me. 'I was done with school and went to our room. Blake stood there, in the hallway. I was out of breath from all those stairs, so I stood there. He walked towards me and I asked him what he wanted, and he said: "you". And then he kissed me. I ran away as fast as I could and had a breakdown on the floor.' My eyes fill with tears again as I say the last thing.

'How dare he.' Jane whispers. 'I don't know.' I whisper back. Jane hugs me and I hug her back. We hug for a few minutes. Jane breaks the silence. 'Sadie.' She starts. I nod. 'Promise me if he ever touches you again you'll slap him, okay?' I chuckle. 'I promise.' Jane never fails to make me laugh. Even in this kind of situations. I love her.

I watch the clock on the wall. Almost diner time. 'Should we go to the cafetaria? It's already 6 p.m.' Jane nods. 'But first...' She walks away and grabs a cloth from the kitchen. '... you need to clean your face a bit. There's mascara all over it.' She chuckles. Shit. I totally forgot about that. I take the cloth and wipe away the mascara stains on my face. 'Let's go!' I say when I'm done. Together we walk to the cafetaria.

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