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Alex has been avoiding me all day. We had no classes together today, but still. I normally see him during break. But he was nowhere to be found. I even asked Tyler, but even he didn't know.

I think he thinks I'm mad at him, for you know, yesterday. But I'm not. I just want to talk to him.

School's over and I'm alone in my room, because Jane is gone. It's been one day and it's already boring without her. She never fails to make me laugh and I can talk about everything with her. I plop down on the couch and decide to check my phone, since I don't have anything else to do. I have a few messages.

Jane😝❤️: ill be home on sunday around afternoon or smt xx

I quickly reply to Jane's message and scroll further. I have a few messages from Leila with the latest gossips, a few from the groupchat and one from... Alex?

Alex: im sorry sadie i wont bother u again

What does he mean? I need to text him back, quick.

You: Can we please talk? Im not mad at you i promise.

I hope he doesn't think I hate him, just because he kissed me. I don't have the patience to wait for Alex's response, so I decide to just go to his room. I hope he's there. I don't even put on shoes. I directly walk out of my room, turn halfway around and take two steps so I'm right infront of his door. I ring the bell and hear some stumbling on the other side of the wall. A few seconds later Alex opens the door. He seems shocked to see me.

'Oh, ehm, hi Sadie.' He's nervous and fiddles with his shirt. 'I didn't expect you here.' So he didn't see my text yet. 'I just want to talk Alex.' I almost whisper. I see him thinking. Thinking of his answer. 'Come in then, I guess.' He says, not very sure and still nervous. I listen to him and follow him inside. I don't think I've ever been in his room before. It's not very different from mine, only a bit more messy.

I clear my throat. 'Alex I-' I begin, but he doesn't let me finish. 'Sadie I'm so sorry I shouldn't have kissed you and I don't know why...' 'Alex.' I try to interupt him but he doesn't listen. '... I did that, it just happened and-' 'Alex!' I almost shout. He finally hears me and shuts his mouth. I can see he's nervous for what I'm going to say. 'I like you too dumbass!'

I don't know what's crazier: That I said that or that it's true. 'Cause I like him. I realized I actually do. Alex also looks shocked because of my answer. I can tell he wasn't prepared for that. But his shocked expression turns into a smile fast. A smile? More a smirk. He opens his mouth to say something, but this time I interupt him by smashing my lips onto his.

Alex kisses me back and cups my face in his hands. His touch is warm on my skin. It doesn't matter that we're still standing next to door, or that I'm on my tippy toes to kiss him, 'cause I'm to short. All I can think of now is him. His soft lips on mine, his warm hands on my cheeks.

He deepens the kiss and presses me against the wall. My fingers are going through his hair and his hands leave my face and move down to my waist. His tongue enters my mouth. It tastes like peppermint. I've never really liked the taste of it, but right now it's the most delicious thing I've ever tasted. What is this boy doing to me?

Our tongues swirl around eachother, his hands slide under my shirt, but then we get interupted by the sound of a phone. It needs to be Alex's, I left mine in my room. I'm the first the hear it and break the kiss. 'Your phone.' I say, out of breath. 'Oh.' He whispers, searching his pockets to find it. 'It's Damian.' He says. I look confused at him. 'I didn't know you were friends.' 'He's in my team.' Alex says, pressing the green button on his screen. I try to stay silent, still stuck between the wall and Alex's muscled body.

'Hey.' Alex says to Damain on the other side of the phone. I can't hear what he's saying, but Alex's face expression is changing fast. 'Shit, I forgot.' He says. Forgot what? I think. 'I'm coming.' Alex says and hangs up. 'What's wrong?' I ask him. He looks down at me, with those gorgeous hazel eyes. 'My baseball training started 15 minutes ago.'

'Oh.' I say. 'Yeah.' Alex replies. 'I'm sorry but I need to go now, or else my coach is going to mad, if he isn't already. ' I nod. 'I see you tomorrow?' Alex says while quickly grabbing his baseball stuff. 'I think so.' I answer. Alex gives me a kiss on my forehead and we both leave his room. I'm still a little bit shocked of what just happened. Did I just admid I like Alex?

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