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The bell rings, which means it's lunchbreak. I just had Geography. Normally I sit next to Jane during this class, but since she's on camp I needed to sit alone. Yipee. I have Geography with Alex too, he sits a few rows before me, next to Mike. I caught myself looking at him multiple times. His sharp jawline, his laugh when Mike said something funny. It's so cute. What is wrong with me...

When I'm about to leave the classroom I see that Alex forgot his book, it's still on his desk. I grin. The asshole. I could go and give it back to him right now, or I could keep it. I decide to go with the second option and put the book in my bag. Let's see how long it takes for him to notice his book is gone. I bet on two weeks. As if he ever uses it.

I walk out of the Geography classroom, towards the cafeteria. When I arrive there I see Leila and Anthony already sitting on our regular table, next to the window. I walk towards them. 'Hey guys!' I say as I take a seat next to Leila. 'Heyy!' Leila replies, enthusiast as always. 'Where's Damain?' I ask, looking around the cafetaria. He's normally one of the first to be here. Anthony shrugs. 'I don't know.' He says, just when Damain enters the cafetaria. He waves at us and walks towards our table. But he's not alone.

'Is okay if my friend here joins us?' Damian says, a little dramatic. 'Hey.' Alex says, standing next to Damian. He's wearing a basic white shirt and some blue jeans. His hair is messy as always. Why exactly does he have to be here again? 'Ofcourse dude.' Anthony says, fist bumping Alex, which makes him chuckle. Which is very attractive. Damian takes a seat next to Anthony and Alex next to Damain. Luckily he's at the other side of the table. I wouldn't have survived if he was sitting next to me.

Leila and Damain are busy talking about some new store nearby. I keep accidentally making eye contact with Alex, which makes my cheeks turn red. I need to focus on something else, real quick. I turn towards Anthony, whose sitting right infront of me, busy eating his lunch. 'Hey Tony.' I begin. He looks up from his meal and nods at me. 'Do you already know something more about the trip?' He nods. 'We're not going to California. That was false information, sorry guys.' Anthony says. He grins. Ofcourse. I would be a little bit expensive for the whole school to go to California. 'But,' He continues. 'We are going to a forest with a lake or something. Two hour bus ride.' Not as good as California, but still sounds fun. Everything better then school. 'Damn it, I was hoping to fix some hot chicks at the beach.' Damian says, which makes us laugh.

We chat a bit more about some random things. The time goes by fast, break is already over. With Leila I walk to our next class, arts, which we have together. 'Sadie.' Leila begins. 'That's my name.' I answer. 'Girl, did you see how Alex looked at you?' She says. 'No, what do you mean.' I try to sound normal, she can't know what's going on between me and Alex. I don't even know myself.

'He likes you, for sureeee girly.' Leila says, dramatic as always. But that's what I like about her. 'He doesn't.' I reply. Leila rolls her eyes. 'Then you must be blind, it's sooo obivious!' 'It isn't!' I say. Leila ignores me. 'Do you like him?' I swallow. Do I? I told him I do. I don't know why. Because I think I do. But I can't like him. I know I can't like him. And I don't want to like him. But why do I get so nervous when he's around? Why do I stare at him? Why is the only thing I want to do when I see him is kiss him until I'm sick of it? Why the fuck do I want that? I'm supposed to hate him. He's an asshole, he anoys me.

'Sadie?' Shit. Leila waves with her hand in front of my face. I was too stuck in my thoughts. 'Do you like Alex?' Leila asks again. 'Ofcourse not.' I reply.

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