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A few weeks have gone by. I don't know how, but me and Alex are arguing less. The tutoring is less awkard. Yesterday in biology class I even laughed at a joke he made. Yes, you heard it right. I laughed at a joke fucking Alex Forben made. I don't even believe it myself.

Currently it's lunch break. I'm sitting at a table with Leila, Jane, Anthony and Damian. Damian is Leila's cousin. Their personalities are very alike, which probably is the reason we're friends too.

'Guys.' Jane says. 'Next week I'm already going on dance camp, a whole week.' Shit, that's right. I have to be alone for a week. 'Omg I almost forgot.' Leila says. 'Me too.' Jane says. 'I'm sad you can't be there Sadie, otherwise we would be roommates. I'm curious who will be my roommate now.' I look down. I feel tears coming up, but I blink them away. Oh how bad I want to go on dance camp. Why did I need to break my knee? It's your own fault Sadie.

'I would've loved to be there too.' I put on a fake smile. Anthony clears his throat. 'Did you guys already hear where we're going on this years school trip?' I almost forgot that too, in two weeks we're going on our yearly school trip.

'No.' We all say. Anthony continues. 'I heard we're going to California from mr. Andrews.' We all gasp. That's pretty far away from here. We live in Pennsylvania.

'No way dude.' Damian says. 'I heard there are a lot of hot girls.' 'Damian!' Leila punches him. I chuckle. 'That's really far.' Jane says. 'Then we have to go by plane.' 'A plane?!' Leila shouts. 'I hate planes.' She mutters. 'Where are we going?' I hear from the cafetaria. Josie and her best friend Elle are walking towards us. 'Can we sit here?' Josie says. Josie and Elle often sit with us, Elle is Anthony's sister. They take a seat, Elle next to Anthony and Josie next to... Jane!

I elbow Leila and point with my head towards them. She sees it too. We are so far the only ones that know Jane has a crush on Josie. Jane looks a bit nervous, which she never is. 'Hey Jane, I need to tell you something about camp.' Josie also dances. 'The rooms have been announced. We share a room!'

Jane almost chokes on her slice of bread. 'Really? That's nice.' She's trying to sound normal. Leila tries to change the topic. 'Did you hear the news from-' She gets interupted by a familiar voice. 'Hello.' He says. I turn around, hoping it isn't the person I think it is. But it is him. The person I've been avoiding for over a month now.

'Sadie I-' 'Shut up Blake.' I interupt him. What is he doing here? 'I just wanted to talk to you.' And I am santa. Ofcourse he wants to "just talk". 'I don't want to talk with you, how bad. Now go.' 'Sadie...' This guy. He's getting on my nerves. I stand so so I can face him, even though he's still taller than me. 'Didn't you hear me? I don't want to talk to you.' I almost shout, pointing at him. I'm getting angry. People are staring now.

Blake clenches his jaw. 'Allright then.' He says. 'Say hi to your mother from me.' That's it. Now he went to far. I slap him in his face and quickly walk away, to the bathroom. I close the door and let the tears run over my face.

All of sudden I hear a knock on the door. 'Sadie?' Another familiar voice.

'What are you doing in the girls bathroom Alex?' 'I..' He stutters. Alex that stutters? What happened to him? 'I wanted to check if your allright.' I'm confused. Since when does he even care about me?

I open the stall door. 'I'm okay.' I lie. 'Are you okay?' I say. 'Yes.' Alex says a little confused. He comes in and closes the door behind him. 'Do you want to tell me what happened? I only saw that he told you to greet your mom for him and then you slapped him.' I sigh. 'My mom is death.'

I know he's gasping, even though I'm looking at the floor. 'She died in a car accident 2 years ago.' 'I'm sorry.' He whispers. We both say nothing. I hear the sound of a toilet flushing. Alex breaks the awkard silence. 'Do you want to go back?' He asks. I nod. He carefully takes my hand and opens the door. A girl washing her hands looks weird at us. Probably because Alex is in the girls bathroom, but he doesn't seem to care.

When we walk back into the cafetaria, I see Jane shouting at Blake. I chuckle. That's how I know Jane. She stops when she sees us. She says one thing to Blake and then he walks away, giving me a dirty look. Jane walks towards us. Only then I realize I'm still holding Alex's hand. I quickly let go, hoping nobody saw it.

'What a dickhead.' Jane says, sounding agry. 'How dare he. I told him to never speak to you again or I'll punch him to death.' She looks angry at Blake walking away.

The bell rings. 'Shit we need to go.' Jane says. She grabs my hand and leads me towards our table. We grab our bags and move towards the hallway. When we pass Alex he smiles at me with a slighty attractive smile. No, I did not say that. Alex is not attractive. Never been. Never will. 

'So, what's that with you and Alex. I saw you holding hands.' Jane says while walking to our next class. I feel my cheeks heaten up. 'Nothing, he just came to check if I was okay.' I answer. 'Hmm sure.' Jane smirks at me. 'Shut up, you know I don't like Alex.' I give her a little push. Actually I'm not so sure if I don't like him. But no way I'm going to tell Jane that.

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