Chapter Ten

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"Hi, I'm a friend of Jayson' he here?" I hear Marilyn asking my Aunt Em from the front door. Why is she here? I don't want to deal with her right now; especially after she what happened in the hallway at school. I thought she wasn't like everybody else. I thought she liked me, as a friend, as a friend, at least. What kind of friend only talks to you or hangs out with you when no one she knows is around? If she really wanted our fiend ship, she wouldn't care what anybody else thought.

"Yes, yes, he's here," Aunt Em answers. I can tell she's happy and surprised at he same time because her voice has one an octave higher. I don't really have people over. "Come in, please. Jayson doesn't get many visitors."

I sigh, really, Aunt Em?

But my heart is racing. Marilyn, of all people, is in my house.

I leave my hiding place on the stairs and slowly and quietly descend down the stairs. When I reach the last step, Aunt Em opens her mouth as if getting ready to call for me, by quickly closes it, replacing it with a cheeky grin.

I now what she's thinking. Oh, my boy has finally found a girlfriend!

"There he is!" Aunt Em exclaims, seeing me. "What's your name again, dear?"

"Marilyn." Marilyn informs. I feel her intense eyes drilling into my skin. I want to look her in the eyes, but I was an idiot to even believe for a moment that she ever wanted me.

"Son, what's the matter?" Aunt Em snaps at me. She looks at Marilyn with a warming smile. "He's shy. Very."

Marilyn just nods and tucks her lips in.

"Ca...can we go for a walk?" She stammers, her voice wavy.

I turn my head in her direction, but don't make an attempt to actually look at her.

Nodding my head, I walk towards the coat closet, grab my old and worn out coat, and head outside. Marilyn stays a moment to say thank you to my aunt, and then follows me. As I walk down the front steps, my mom's necklace hits my chest rhythmically. Well, it was my mom's but she gave it to me when she and dad were leaving. I really don't know where they went and why, but they left me, promising to be back. It al happened really quick. Dad had that scared look in his eyes, but something else was there. Sadness. Why was he sad? He promised to be back.

The memory swells my heart and my eyes fill with tears.

No, stop it.

Someone grabs my hand and when I look down, I see slender, shaky fingers entwined with mine.

"Marilyn." I hear myself say without thinking. Truth is, despite how she get me, I still really like her. I have seen so many beautiful girls in my lifetime, but Marilyn is like no other. Plus, she at least gave me a chance in the first place. I have never even been friends with someone as gorgeous and popular as her.

We walk in silence for a while and I am glad she isn't talking. After a while, I realize that I a squeeze her hands tighter than before and loosen my grip. She notices and looks up at me.

"Every time I see you, you're wearing that necklace," she points out, her voice calm and body relaxed. I'm still tense from her touch and my mix of emotions.

I swallow down hard. Please don't ask, please don't ask...

"It's really pretty," she continues when I don't say anything.

Her voice is so calm, it surprises me. What did she even come to my house for?


I really want to ask him about the necklace and his parents but I don't want to burden him more than I have.

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