Chapter Twenty Eight

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For reason, I just don't feel right. Something just doesn't feel right.

Looking around, I glance at the students around, most drowned on their packet. No one seems to feel uneasy or anticipated as I do as if something is about to happen.

The thought of possibilities send dark shivers through my spine but I shake off the queasy feeling starting to boil up in the pit of my stomach and focus my concentration back on my work on my desk.

"You okay?" Xavier whispers, slightly leaning forwards.

I turn my cheek to him.

"Yeah, yeah," I whisper back and then quickly turn my head back around.

I hear him mumble something but I'm too distracted and nervous to hear it. Suddenly, my senses go on autopilot and I can't control them.

Without restraining myself, I turn back around to ask Xavier if he can hear and feel the rumbling and growls I do. If he can sense something is going to go wrong. If he too can smell the sewer - y, rotten smell of some kind of animal.

Animal? Is there an animal in the school?

"Ms. Daniels turn back around!" Mrs. Federickson snaps, her glasses halfway down her nose.

Annoyingly, I turn back around slowly and look down at my packet again. As I reach for my pencil, however, I notice it's shaking. Like, not the my - pencil - rolled - off - my - desk shaking. It's literally shaking.

When I hear picture frames on Mrs. Frederickson's desk clatter - and did the rest of the class - my heart beat speeds up and I whip my head back around to Xavier.

He gulps and looks really nervous. I've never seen him like this. He's not really a guy to become so nervous that beads of sweat form on his forehead.

Cracking my knuckles I make eye contact with Mrs. Frederickson and almost as soon as I do, I the ground shakes even more, rattling the desks and chairs, and there's screaming down the hallway followed by more screaming. And more. And so much more!

"Students this is a Code Red. All students and staff need to stay in their classrooms, turn off the lights, close the blinds, seal the door, and be as quiet as you can. Code Red! Code Re - " The intercom make a loud, irritating squeaky noise that penetrates on my ear drums.

"Alright guys!" Mrs. Federickson whisper shouts. "You heard him! Go to the corner quietly!"

We all immediately drop what we were doing and rush to a back corner in the classroom. We've practiced this drill before in case something like would happen so we all know the procedure, though some people don't follow along with it due to a serious case of stubborn headedness.

As I squish myself between a brunette and some emo chick, I can't help but think about Jayson. Is he okay? I hope he's safe in class...

I don't want him getting hurt but it comes to that point, we both know he has to fight back. I know he's strong and everything - trust me, I've seen it - but I just don't look forward to seeing him in the state that he was after Eric beat him up or worse. I can't see him hurt again after I hurt him so many times.

Plus, he'd expose himself way too easily.

Let's just hope he's okay for now.




"Jayson Delli ," Mr. Jean spits, venom flowing with his voice. His massive, scaly arm is jabbed into my neck and his other hand is holding my camera that I left in the sewer a while ago. It had my name on it. How irresponsible of me.

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