Chapter Eight

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After being drugged with chloroform and being thrown around, I finally regain all of my consciousness and reprocess what had happened.

I look around the room I'm in and realize that I've never been here before and the place is seriously freaking me out. I've never even seen it in my life.

The room itself doesn't look half bad, though. It's just the fact that I was unconscious for some time and am only now waking up in a strange place. The room, however, looks like a normal room with a bookshelf containing only three books, a ceiling fan, pale blue walls, and a table.

Maybe it's not so normal because there's a girl tied to a chair in it.

Oh, that's me.

My heartbeat quickens rapidly and I shift frantically in my seat.

I need to get out of here. I knew Jennifer was crazy, but seriously, who knew she was capable of something like this?

"Get me out!" I scream feeling dizzy. I want to get out of this place! If only dad listened.

I try to use my fingers and wrap around my hand and get the rope loose but it's no use. I'm tied down too hard.

Suddenly my stomach rumbles.

"Oh, great! Now I'm hungry." I squirm continuously but I'm going nowhere but further away from the empty table.

It's only when my chair leg hits a lamp next to me that I get an idea. Unfortunately it's the only idea I have, and it's going to hurt.

Using my leg, I gently move the lamp over to my hand so I could at least hold it.

When it's in my reach, I tilt it down and hold it in that position, letting it burn the rope.

The pain that rushes through me is like no other. The bright light from the lamp not only burns the rope, but it also burns my arm.

I want to scream and kick the damn thing away from me, but I need to hold it in position so I can escape. I have no idea what Jennifer wants to fucking do to me, or with me...

I feel like God decided that I wasn't worthy of being one with him so he took Zeus's trident and scratched my body unmerciful, from my head to toe. It's as if someone just took a thousand electric eels and wrapped them around my wrists. They're on fire! After many episodes of trial-ad-error, the rope finally cuts and I shove the lamp back, not even bothering if it falls and cause I loud thud noise.

Once I make sure the lamp is standing still and won't fall, I use my free hand to free my other hand. Then I untie the rope around my chest, which, should I mention, has been fucking cutting of my efficient breathing process.

After being completely free, I rub my wrists in pure relief and stand up to stretch. My body is sore and weak and just standing up makes it even worse.

After relearning how to stand straight and walk, I head to the door. I struggle to open it because it's so heavy and my wrist are still pretty burnt.

I finally open the door and cautiously peer outside. That bitch is sneaky, I tell you. She'll be in my face before you know it.

Seeing that the path is clear, I tip toe dramatically quietly outside and I reach the corner, turning into a room with large machines on the walls when I hear someone opening the trap doors above me. My heart beat immediately quickens and I'm left with the only option of running and hiding; so that's what I do.

I quietly sprint to my left and hide behind a large, metal object that stretches across the room and then morphs into other things. My wrist touch the cold metal but I don't flinch. It actually feels really good so I press them against the metal harder. 

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