Chapter Twenty One

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"You can get your newspaper up here at my desk if you'd like."

A few kids rush to get one and I debate whether or not I should. I might as well, It's not like I have anyone else to talk to or anything to do anyways. It'll give me an excuse for standing by myself and make me look less lonely.

Kids with newspapers in their hands laugh and look at me. Someone make weird, sympathy faces and ours just smirk.

What the hell is going on?

Just as I grab a grey copy, I freeze and tense at what's on the front page.

So Not Worth It?

Underneath the headline is a big picture of me last week when I slipped and fell in the cafeteria. My lunch was thrown and squashed and Janet just so happened to be carrying her camera and took a great photo of me when Blue "accidentally" spilled her yogurt on my head. They stomped away, laughing hysterically as if it were the funniest thing in the world, and I was left alone, mortified, on the cafeteria floor in a huge mess.

I didn't eat lunch at day. Or the day after. Or the day after that. I haven't been eating much. I'm just always thinking. I'm thinking and I'm regretting and life sucks right now. I feel good about sticking by Jayson's side, but...was it really te right decision? Should something so right felt so wrong?

Luckily, Jayson, being the kind person that he is, walked over to me, despite the stares and glares from other people, and helped me up. I straightened my outfit and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm...thank you," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Here." He handed me some napkins and I gratefully took them, wiping the yogurt from my hair. "Blue's a bitch. Go get yourself cleaned."

I smiled a small smile at him and my heart clenched.

My embarrassment in the cafe was bad enough and now this? The whole school's going to know now about my little accident. Oh. who am I kidding? Word spreads fast around here. Everyone probably already knew.

I drop the newspaper back down onto the stack and Ms. Bae, the newspaper club advisor, gives me a questionable look. I ignore her and storm off.


During AP English, the intercom turns on and Mrs. Miles, my guidance counselor, calls me to her office. I've inly been to her office a few times last year for SAT and ACT stuff, and schedule changes. But she's never called me down before.

"Oooh, Mairrlyyyn!" Xavier coos. I raise an eyebrow at him before dropping my pencil and walking  out of the classroom, ignoring stares boring into my back.

As I turn into the hallway Mrs. Miles' office is in, I hear chatter coming from steps down the hall. I'm just about to enter the office when two heads pop up and my heart beat hitches.

What're they doing here? Did Mrs. Miles call them up, too? What in the world...?

Gina and Janet stop talking and Janet glares at me. Gina, on the other hand fiddles with her fingers.

Rolling my eyes, I the open office.

"They're here, Mrs. Miles," The front desk lady says. I never remember her name.

Soon, Mrs. Miles walks into her office and shuts the door closed. The room becomes dark and eery.

"Hey, girls."

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