Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Isaac's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and sighed, time for another day in hell. Getting up, I turn off my clock so I don't wake up my father. I head into the bathroom and take a fast shower before hopping out and brushing my brown hair. I looked in the mirror and was met with my blazing green eyes staring back at me. I've always hated my eyes, but I never really knew why. Maybe because they give me all this unwanted attention every day and people aren't afraid to point out how weird they look. It doesn't help that I'm ridiculously tall either.

I head back to my room and put on a pair of jeans, a hoodie, and a pair of black converse. Walking into the living room, I see my dad passed out on the floor with the TV on and alcohol bottles scattered everywhere on the floor. I walk over and carefully take the remote out of his hand and turned off the TV.

"Isaac, why the hell did you turn the TV off?"'

"Y-you were asleep and you told me yesterday that the bills were stressing you out so much..."

"Well when I want you to take care of something, I'll let you know. Don't touch anything in this house without my permission."

He continued to fuss about the things I should be doing and should not be doing in this house. I just kept my head down, waiting for him to finish and mumbled a quick yes sir.

Then I placed the remote on our old, chipped coffee table. I proceeded to put all of the alcohol bottles in the trash so he doesn't hit me for leaving the room a mess, grabbed an apple and started my thirty-minute walk to school.

On my way there's this kid who bullies all the time, Shad pulled up to me in his car. Shad was everything I wasn't. He had brown hair in a quiff and blue eyes. He was shorter than me but only by like a couple of inches, not to mention he was pretty scrawny. That didn't stop him from beating me up in school, size means nothing when it comes to fighting. I stopped in my tracks and met his hateful gaze and cocky smile, knowing that I'd pay severely for it later if I didn't.

"Hey, did your parents finally ask you to run away or are doing them a favor?" He and his buddies laughed as I turned away.

"Aw doesn't feel too bad man, maybe in your next life someone will want a piece of shit like you around."

He then proceeded to get out of the car. Before I could run away, his friends held my arms back roughly and pinned me against a fence. Shad cracked his knuckles with a sadistic grin plastered on his face.

"Maybe another ass-kicking will show you to never run from me."

A wave of pain took over my body as he punched me dead in the gut. I heaved over but before I could grasp my stomach, he punched my face. His friends then threw me to the ground and started kicking me in the sides. I fight the urge to scream out in pain so no one can see me in this humiliating state. Once they were done with me the boys stepped back so Shad could grab me by my collar.

"People like you and people like me are on completely different levels. If you try to escape me again, when I'm done with you, they won't know which part is your ass or your head."

He threw me on the ground once more and walked away, high fiving his friends and laughing. I laid there on the cold, hard concrete for a minute before I will myself to get up and then continue my way to school, limping. Yeah, that was bad, but that's nothing compared to what my dad could do.

Once I finally arrive at school, I see the sign that says we have a benchmark today. Good, a whole day without having to see Shad and his demon squad of assholes. I was reading the poster that told us where we all had to go for the day when I noticed a few people, whispering to each other. Weird. I can't say that I was surprised though, after all, I'm used to it. People always call me out because of my height and eyes, saying it's weird how my personality does not match my appearance. Because of that, I tend to stand out a lot, but ever since last week when I turned 18, they've been staring even more, as if something changed. I couldn't help but overhear what they were saying and to be honest, I was a little creeped out.

"Should we tell the alpha," the first teen said.

"No he won't believe us," the girl whispered

"He could be dangerous, what if he's working for another pack,"

"We don't even know much about him so what good would do?"

"If something happens to someone it will be our fault, we can't let this discovery go unnoticed."

Feeling genuinely curious about what they were talking about, I awkwardly turned the other way and headed to my testing room.

I arrived at my room and found a seat in the back corner. I pulled out my notebook and started to finish the wolf I started to draw a couple of days ago. I don't know why, but I kept having this weird recurring dream about this wolf running freely in the woods. In the dream, I can almost feel the cool wind blowing in its fur, the swiftness of his feet across the grass, his freedom. I sighed and flipped the page to doodle something else to keep my mind off of it. When the bell rang everyone else filed in and found seats. The teacher came in and gave out instructions and began the test.

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