Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Mia's POV

I got home from school that day ready to drop. My brothers all split up to do different things around the house and I decided to head upstairs before my parents could ask any questions.

Unfortunately, my mother and father decided to come through the door from doing pack business around the territory and caught me. Great, can't my own family realize I'm exhausted and I just want to try to take a nap?

My mother was the first one to notice me and smiled widely, "Hi honey! How was your day at school? Come on! Let's talk about it on the way to the meeting!"

I looked at her confused and stopped walking. "Meeting? What meeting?''

She furrowed her eyebrows, looking concerned and put a hand on my back. "Sweetie, our weekly meeting to discuss weekly reports about the health and safety of the pack. Are you ok? You seem distracted."

I smiled, tiredly. God, I just want to go to my room already.

"I'm fine, just a really long day. There is something I need to tell you two though."

They both look concerned and my father speaks up.

"Well we have to go set up for the meeting, but we will talk after that, ok?" He says, not letting me get a word in before they were both off to my father's office.

I fight the urge to growl in annoyance, "Alrighty then "

About 20 minutes, I walked into my father's office where I found Xander, My parents, the Beta family, and the Head pack warrior. Everyone was either talking to one another or they took notes. My father stands in front of his desk and clears his voice.

"Attention everyone. The meeting is starting now. First things first, the lead warrior. Please give your weekly reports on the border control, rogue count and pack overall safety."

The lead warrior stands up.

"Thank you alpha, overall border patrol has been running smoothly as usual. Luckily no one from Yellowstone has come to attack us yet. As for rogues, there's been intel that a few are somehow affiliated with the Yellowstone.."

A few people murmur and I even shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"However as of now, there are no threats to pack safety. We will be on high alert just in case."

My father, along with a few other people, nod.

"Good, ladies and gentlemen until further notice we will continue business as usual. Does anyone else have something important they'd like to share?"

I didn't fail to notice my mother eyeing me before turning her attention to everyone else. I sighed quietly, guess it was my time to speak up. I stood up to everyone's surprise and cleared my throat.

"A lot of people in the pack are saying that there's a...fae in the pack. It just showed up one day."

Both of their eyes go wide as they gawk at me. Everyone else in the room starts whispering to their neighbors like a kid talking about the gossip of the school grounds. They don't even speak for a good five minutes. It was my mother who finally got everyone to calm down.

"Oh Mia, where was the fae seen? Have you seen it or was this reported by someone else?"

The lead warrior piped up and said, "If a fae is here we might have to double up border patrol alpha."

Everyone began to clamor over each other again in agreement before my brother got them to quiet down.

"Settle down everyone, I know what this means. If a fae is here they could be in a lot of trouble. It's our job to protect our borders and let this fae know we mean no harm. We must do this privately though. If Yellowstone found out the fae could get in even bigger trouble."

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