Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3

Mia's Pov

I see the school ahead and pull into the entrance of the parking lot. As I pull in, my guy best friend, Asher, pulls up beside and rolls his window down. I roll mine down too to say hey, but as soon as I roll my window down, he turns his stereo up to the maximum volume and starts singing badly to the *anything but Shawn Mendes pls* that was playing on the radio.

I scream as Brooklyn and I start to sing along to the song. My brothers just groaned in the back and got out of the car stating that they would rather walk the rest of the way than listen to our terrible singing. Once we pull into the parking lot, Brooklyn and I run over to him and engulf him in a hug.

"Hey Mimi, don't you want to wish me something special?" he asked wiggling his brow.

I cross my arms and pretend that I'm thinking, "Nothing that I can think at the moment."

He feigned being hurt and placed his hand to his chest.

"And here I thought we were friends!"

He then pulled me in and began tickling mercilessly. I tried to fight him off, but he held my arms and tickled my ultimate weak spots, my neck, and my stomach.

No longer able to handle the discomfort I managed to squeak out, "Stop, stop, I was just kidding!"

"I'm sorry I can't hear you."

"I yield! I yield! You Win! just stop please!"

When he finally let go, I collapsed to the ground softly since he held onto my arms.

Once I caught my breath I looked up at him and smiled.

"Happy birthday Asher," I say to my best friend, laughing and getting off of the floor. CD

He returned the smile and hugged me once more.

"Thanks, girl, I'm so excited that I'm finally an adult."

"Uh, we have to remind you to lock the door to your house every day," Brooklyn said, crossing her arms.

Asher let go of me to glare at Brooklyn.

"Hey, at least I didn't burn my hand using the curling iron as a microphone."

I laughed at their antics and placed my arms over both of them.

"Well, I love both you babies just the way you are."

With that, we headed into the school.

Once we're inside, I overheard some people gossiping about something impossible.

"Yeah I heard someone smelt a fae in the school," a girl with red hair whispered.

"What? I thought the last fae was killed like eleven years ago"

"Well I guess another one rolled into town," the red-headed girl shrugged

"Wow, I feel bad for the poor thing, they'll be in for a world of hurt if they get caught."

Arching an eyebrow, I kept my head down and pretended to text on my phone. Why on Earth would a fae just show up out of nowhere? I make a note to tell my dad that later. I doubt it's that important, after all, it is just a rumor.

We all looked up our classes and headed down to our area for the day. Asher and I are in the same room and Brooklyn is basically on the other side of the building. We said our goodbyes and endured a hellish five hours of calculus testing.

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