Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Mia's POV

"....Mia? Mia!!"

I jolt up and look at Asher, who apparently was talking to me this entire time. He looked pissed, and as I glanced to my right I saw that Brooklyn wasn't too happy with me either.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"You need to get it together girl, I've been trying to rant to you for the last ten minutes."

I sigh. "Dude, I'm sorry. I just got a lot on my mind right now alright?"

Asher crossed his arms. "Oh yeah, like what?"

"You should be asking 'like who.'" Brooklyn chimed in with a lazy smirk.

My eyes dart back to hers and I shoot her gruesome glare. My heart sank as I saw Asher's signature Cheshire grin spread across his face.

"What?? Who? Mia who is who?! Did you find your mate?" he screams excitedly, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me a little.

I bit my lower lip, looking down. I honestly didn't know what to say, so I went with the safest way out of this conversation, silence.

"Mia?" Asher puts his hand on my shoulder in support, realizing something's wrong.

What was I supposed to say? That I finally found my mate but I don't know if I even want one anymore? Or that I found him, but because of what I am and who I am in the pack, I can't protect him from this cold war if it turns ugly? I don't know how I feel about this, so how am I supposed to tell other people?

My thoughts were interrupted when suddenly I pulled into a hug.

"It's ok Mi...I didn't mean to make you cry. This can be a little stressful, finding your mate and all."

I blinked and noticed a couple of tears fall onto the back of her shirt. I hadn't even realized I'd gotten this upset. Well...that's kinda embarrassing. Brooklyn let me go and wiped my eyes and the tears that have fallen.

"Aw babe, I'm sorry I asked I shouldn't have pressured you," Asher said, looking apologetic.

"No, it's ok...I'm ok. Can we just not talk about it right now and head to class? I kinda want to just forget about all of it for now." I mumbled while getting my economics book from my locker and closing the door.

"Sure, Mi. Let's go to economics bitches!"

Asher grabbed my hand and Brooklyn's and walked excitedly to class for the first time in history.

I laughed, knowing he was doing this to try to cheer me up. This guy hated econ with his whole soul.

We were waiting down the hall with Asher talking about whatever shit came into his head when we saw a few jocks crowding the hallway. They were all standing in a circle watching something, which I could only assume was a fight. I honestly wasn't in the mood to stop to break up some stupid fight, so Iooked forward and tried to ignore it when it all hits me like a ton of bricks...again. The smell was so enticing like I needed it to survive. It seemed stronger than it was at the party. My wolf was itching for freedom, determined to get to him.

"Guys...guys! It's him, my mate!" He's in that fight, we have to help him. Come on, we have to go help." I exclaimed, my wolf beginning to take over my senses.

"What? Wait, no Mia!" Brooklyn yells with concern in her voice, but I didn't take the time to explain any further. I pushed and I shoved through the crowd of jocks who were screaming and yelling while watching the fight. I finally got through and I feel Brooklyn and Asher right behind me.

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