Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It has been a week since the rouge attack and the pack leaders were still trying to figure out how exactly the rouges got that far into pack territory in the first place. My hideout was nowhere near the borderlines and was actually pretty close to the packhouse. More importantly, no one knew anything else about the fae.

The lead pack warrior called for double border patrol due to the fact that no one on patrol that night saw any sight of rouges, or at least no one was admitting to it. The main theory so far is that the rouges got in while the day border patrol wolves shifts were ending and the night shifters were coming in. That was the only real point of entry they could have had, but the real question is how did we not smell them. Rouges smell putrid and we can smell them from a mile away.

My brother Xander was very on edge after that and he was desperately trying to maintain his composure while answering everyone's questions. My younger brothers, on the other hand, was visibly irritated and doing everything in his power to not snap at everyone for dad's sake. Everyone in the pack was talking over each other trying to figure out a plan and asking several questions we honestly didn't have the answers to. I sighed rubbing my temples, this situation was getting a little too out of hand. My brother finally got everything under control by using his alpha tone.

"Everyone, quiet!"

Every person in the room got silent and bowed their heads towards my brother, showing their necks in submission. Xander sighed and rubbed a hand down his face in frustration. I could tell he was thinking about the next steps before he finally addressed the room full of anxious-looking wolves.

"Before everyone starts to panic, let's not forget that we're one of the strongest packs in this country. Whatever has invaded our home, we'll catch them. We'll double border patrols and the number of guards roaming the pack, no one else will invade our home if I have anything to say about it."

Everyone looks worried but nods in a cautious agreement.

Some voices clamored together before someone said,

"But my daughter smelled a fae at the high school! We have to talk about this too, and this is a way bigger threat to us, right now. The faes are more powerful than we are! There's no way our forces can take them."

"Not to mention we haven't been on good terms with them since...since one of theirs died on our territory..."

The pack murmured amongst themselves in despondency. Years ago, back when I was only three, there was a rogue attack here and many lost their lives. One of those people was a woman, I don't remember her name though. She was a fae and a damn strong one at that. She protected this pack with everything she had, and I've heard people say that she was the kindest woman anyone has ever met. She loved everyone here and saw us as more than just another pack to save. To her, we were family, which is why she apparently almost always fought on the front lines with the other soldiers no matter. Typically, the fae does not fight unless it's absolutely necessary.

Her death was a surprise and a tragedy to this pack. Because of her, we were able to thrive in ways we'd never known before according to my dad. Her death made life harder for the pack in more ways than one. Not only were we more vulnerable to the enemies we made, but we had also angered the entire race of faes that lived in this country. The faes were extremely family-oriented, they were typically rather cocky about their fighting abilities. So when one of their own dies, it's not only unbelievably devastating, but it was a grotesque wound on their pride as well. They almost sent a full-on assault on our pack before our pack leaders and even my father begged them to remember how much that woman loved us, and how she'd want us to be spared. I shivered at that last thought, if my father resorted to showing weakness, then these creatures were not to be challenged.

My brother appeared to be having a similar thought pattern because his brows furrowed and the worry was plain to see in his eyes. No one judged him though, faes were feared by most supernatural creatures if you managed to anger one, it was highly unlikely you'd live to tell about it. More mumbling within the pack ensued about the possibility of a war against the faes before my brother silenced them.

"We will be fine, if it comes down to us having to face them, we will use every pack ally we have to fight against them."

"But what if we're still not strong enough?!" someone called out.

This made the room erupt in hysteria as people shouted in dismay and fear. I covered my ears and winced slightly at the noise, for a species with sensitive ears we sure did like to make a lot of it sometimes. Xander growled low in his chest, growing irritated. When the noise wouldn't stop after a while he finally snapped.


Everyone jolted a bit and immediately looked down. Xander gave everyone a hard stare as he thought of what to say next. Finally, he cleared his throat and said,

"We're not even entirely sure if this fae is a threat. So far, they've been laying low and no one's been hurt. All we can do for now is keep an eye out, that includes having more soldiers patrolling around the school."

Everyone looked up clearly concerned, not saying a word.

"Are we clear?" he asks with an authoritative tone.

Everyone suddenly stands up straight and nods.

"Good, now everyone gets back to work. We won't let some high school rumor interrupt our way of living."

Everyone mumbles and leaves, leaving my family to the only ones in the room.

As everyone was leaving, my father's Beta came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder, "Great job, kid. You did better than your father during the first meeting that he led."

"Thanks! That was honestly scary as hell," I say, laughing nervously.

I walk up to my brother and hesitate before asking,

"Do we really have nothing to worry about?"

He stares at the wall for a moment before looking back at me, his face slightly contorted with seriousness and worry.

"I'm not sure."

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