Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Mia's Pov

I looked around at my masterpiece and smiled. The party was a complete success. Everyone was bouncing around, dancing, and drinking to their heart's content. I was getting myself some punch when I felt Asher glomp me from behind.

"Thanks for the party, Mimi," he exclaimed.

I laughed and hugged him back.

"Anytime, you know I'd do anything for you."

I was walking around the party, making sure everything was okay when this scent hit me like a ton of bricks. It smelled like fresh lavender. It sounds weird I know, but that shit is my jam. I turned to see who or what it was, but it seemed like the smell was everywhere. Shrugging, I decided to ignore it and look for Brooklyn.

When I found Brooklyn, she was busy talking to a guy that didn't look familiar. I couldn't see his face, so I had no idea what he looked like. All I knew was that he was freaking tall as hell and the amazing scent was getting stronger as I walked towards him. I was moving through the crowd, getting closer to the two of them when I see one of my best friends and my brother's mate put her hand on his shoulder.

A pang of jealousy ran through me. That feeling quickly disappeared and was replaced with a genuine concern for the guy's safety when I thought of Xander coming by to see Brooklyn. Before I could intervene they both parted ways and the boy was left in the crowd. I sighed a breath of relief. That could have ended terribly.

I decided to leave to check on everyone else when I saw Brooklyn walking towards me with a distraught look on her face. I felt my heart drop to my stomach and met her halfway.

"What's wrong?" I asked her touching her shoulder.

"Um Mimi, I think we've got a problem..."

I felt the color drain from my face, "What?"

She held up her ring finger and I was blinded by a diamond engagement ring shining proudly.

"The rock on my finger is so heavy I just don't know what to do!"

I felt myself grin from ear to ear.

"Did he finally propose?!" I ask.

She nodded with tears in her eyes, smiling.


We both held each other's hands and jumped up and down like a couple of eleven-year-olds at a concert.

Asher walks up to us, looking at us like we were insane because we were screaming.

"Umm... What happened?" He asked, concerned.

We stopped jumping and looked at him with smiles wider than the Cheshire cat. We looked his way and Brooklyn held her hand behind her back.

"Asher, guess what~" she drawled out.

Brooklyn proudly shows her ring finger for Asher to see.

Asher was just stunned, clasping his hands on his face, but still smiling. I grabbed her hand and examined it closely. Because my brother is extra, he, of course, bought a big ass ring. It was 8 carat and was the ring that she's been dreaming about since she was a little kid. How did my brother know that you may ask? I took a picture of her dream ring out of her wedding scrapbook that she's been making since she was 6 and learned what weddings were. She cut up wedding magazines and knew what she wanted every detail of her wedding to look like. This was her dream, to get married to her mate.

I couldn't help but feel my heart clench with sadness. She gets to spend the rest of her life with the person she loves the most and I haven't even met mine yet. Then again, life seems better without a person anchored onto you. I mean, mates are cool, but being stuck with only one person for the rest of my life seems boring. But, I love Brooklyn and my brother is okay, so seeing them have everything that they want means the world to me.

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