Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Mia's POV

"This dress would be perfect for you! We should definitely go to the shop tomorrow so you can try it on. You are my maid of honor after all." Brook screamed excitedly.

I smiled, kind of distracted. "Yeah, that sounds great. We go after detention."

"So when are you gonna talk about it." She asked softly.

"What do you mean?" I try to laugh off.

"Your mate. How long are we gonna pretend you're not hurting because you want hi, but you're too stubborn to say it?"

She looked at me, knowingly. I wasn't gonna get out of this. I stayed silent because I didn't know what to say.

"I know you're scared of getting him hurt, but that won't happen. Xander and your dad have everything under control. Mia, being without your mate is hard. You know that, especially if you're so close to him. I mean, you're right there! Next to him in detention! Every day! When Xander is gone, I feel like I can't breathe. I need him, if I was that close to Xander and couldn't touch him I think I'd die."

I interrupted her.

"Okay Brook, you don't have to flaunt your perfect relationship." I smiled, laughing a little.

She laughed, too. "Seriously! I'm just saying, I couldn't imagine my life without my mate. You can't freeze him out, it'll hurt you. I mean, hell it already is."

I just looked down at the picture of the dress. How many times was I gonna hear this lecture? Brook slowly reached for my shoulder, making me look at her.

"Just...try. Please."

I felt guilty as I saw the helpless look in her eyes that she tried to hide from me. All I could think about was how much I've been worrying about everyone. Everyone could see I was struggling, it's not like I could even try to hide it. I felt miserable all the time. couldn't sleep, I could hardly concentrate, it felt like I couldn't breathe all time. Not wolf was on my ass none-stop.

I heaved a sigh, then looked up at Brook.

"I'll try, I promise."


At school the next day, I and Brook were talking about the dress appointment this afternoon.

"I cannot believe you got the shop to stay open until we're done. You are the best!" She hugged me, giggling. I chuckled and hugged her back.

"I know, I'm pretty great." I smiled, jokingly.

"No, but seriously, thanks Mi. You rock for this. Now we can find the dresses on time before the wedding!"

She stopped walking and looked at her ring, tears in her eyes as she smiled.

"My wedding is going to be going to be the best day of my life."

I smiled, trying not to cry either.

"There is nothing in this world that can stop you and Xander from getting married in two weeks. Now stop crying before you make me cry." I say, laughing as I wipe some tears from my own eyes.

Asher walked up and very cautiously, "What's going on, ladies? Do I need to throw hands with someone? Or...?"

We both laughed and smiled.

"We're fine! We were just talking about the wedding," Brook said.

He jumped, suddenly really excited.

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