Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Isaac POV the next morning

I woke up this morning and I was exhausted. I didn't sleep at all because the girl from last night just would not get out of my head. She looked like the girl that I keep sketching in class and it's creeping me out on a major level. I can't tell if I like the girl or if I'm afraid of her. Maybe it's both. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the sound of furniture being thrown around downstairs and the booming voice of my father

"Isaac get down here already and make me breakfast goddammit!"

I quickly put on a random shirt that I found on the floor and run down the stairs almost tripping down them in the process

"S-sorry dad..." I mutter.

"You don't even deserve to call me your father. IF I actually had a son, he'd be nothing like you. He'd be stronger and better and not a scrawny pathetic piece of shit like you are going make me some breakfast ya little shit and be quick about it, I was almost late yesterday because of you bullshitting around and don't burn my damn sausage."

I say nothing as I try to hurry to the kitchen but he grabs me before I can make it. He twists my wrist as he screams in my face, "And respond when I'm speaking do you understand me?!"

"Yes sir" I mutter looking up scared but I made the fatal mistake of looking my father in the eyes.

I saw the eyes of my father, identical to mine, filled with rage as he realized what I just did. He grabbed my shirt with his free hand and threw me into the dining room wall, hard. "And who the fuck do you think you are to look me in my eyes boy, you are nothing you hear me?! Nothing, don't even attempt to look at me like that again or I will end you do you understand boy?

I groaned in pain and tried to answer with "yes sir" but that wasn't enough. " I can't hear you boy," he said with a kick to my stomach. I coughed and tried to catch my breath but I couldn't seem to hold air in my lungs. Enough time passes for me to receive another kick to my stomach and a punch to the face.

I guess I didn't respond fast enough. I cough again, this time with blood coming out and falling onto the floor. " You're pathetic, weak, and disgusting. Coughing up blood in my damn house, on my damn floor! Clean up before you go to school you fucking pig, I'm late for work now look what you done did."

My father walks off, grabs his keys to his car and heads to work but not before another kick to my thigh to make sure I had a limp for the week.

I slowly and painfully get up to get ready to go to the hell hole called school. I quite literally crawl up the stairs because at this point the pain has set in and it hurts to breathe deep breaths let alone walk up a flight of stairs. I don't know how the hell I'm gonna walk up the stairs at school and act like nothing is wrong.

If someone found out what happens at home and child protective services start asking questions about my home life again, my father will kill me. Literally kill me the last time was when I was about 12 years old and that week I was admitted into a hospital because "my bike got ran over by a car" yeah I definitely don't want that again.

I shudder at the memory and try to stop thinking about it as I walk to my room and see the time. Great I only have 10 minutes to get dressed and start walking or I'll be late. If I'm late again my homeroom teacher said she'll call home and I'll get a detention and that is not what I need today

I just about run to the shower and take the quickest one I have ever taken in my life. After that, I grab a random hoodie to cover up any bruising and black jeans with holes at the knees. The holes weren't meant to be there they were just really old and have been through some things, but they looked kind of fashionable I guess.

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