Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I was zoned in my third-period story class, ready for this day to over when all of a sudden the bell rang.

"Thank God!" I mumble, grabbing my already packed backpack and practically running out of the door the lockers where Brooklyn, Asher, and I all met up.

When I got there, both of my friends were standing there looking my way. Their faces were twisted with concern. Ever since this morning, I've been quiet. I didn't know what to say. I didn't have anything I felt like I needed say. I've never blown up like that before, and scared me.

I didn't want to get into it right now, so as soon as I got closer to them I started a conversation before they could ask me any questions.

"Hey, guys! Can we eat in the cafeteria today? I'm hella broke right now."

They looked at each other, then back at me and quietly agreed to go. On the way, Asher tried to cheer me up again with his goofiness. He was rambling about his new favorite movie and how the main character was "the hottest guy that had ever breathed."

"I mean, c'mon guys. You should both come over to my house after school and watch it today. You won't regret it. I promise!"

We finally made it to the cafeteria. I pulled the doors open but as soon as I did, I remembered.

We have detention after school today. And every other day that week...well shit.

"Sorry, Ash. I have detention. And you know how Mr.Shaun loves to give out detention assignments that take up all of your time."

We were in the lunch line now, so I grabbed a tray and then picked out the stuff that I wanted to eat.

Brooklyn did the same thing and said, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. What are you gonna do? How are you gonna sit in a room with Shad for an hour? Wait, more importantly, how are you gonna sit with your mate for an hour? Are you gonna be ok?"

I was just about to answer her questions when another problem of the day showed her ugly face. Well, I guess you could say her ugly face.

"You bitch!" she screamed. As she walked over her heels were clicking so fast I was sure they were gonna snap at any second. I turned to face the cliche most popular in the school known as "The Bitch." If you wanna know her real name, it's Chelsea.

"What do you want, Chelsea?" I sighed.

"I want to know why you assaulted my boyfriend in the hallway. You bitch. You almost broke his hand! My Shaddy did not deserve your abuse." She screeched in that high that high-pitched voice that would make anyone, and I mean anyone, beg for death.

I closed my eyes, trying to keep myself and my wolf at bay. When I felt like I was completely in control. I opened my eyes and said, in the nicest tone I could muster,

"Your boyfriend was attacking my-" I pause, remembering I couldn't finish that sentence. I took a deep breath then continued.

"Shad was attacking a boy for no reason, I just stood up for someone who couldn't protect themselves. I was being a decent person, a concept your boyfriend doesn't seem to comprehend."

She scoffed, crossing her arms as if that would intimidate me in some way.

"How dare you say that?! My man is perfect in every way, and I hear you talking shit about him again, I will beat your ass!" You'll be sorry his name came out of your mouth in the first place. Do you understand, Mya?"

This bitch is really getting on my nerves.

"First of all my name is Mia. I don't see how that's so hard to remember considering its three letters. Maybe that's just too much for that tiny little brain of yours. Second of all, I don't want to fight you, but I will. Now let me save both of us the trouble and tell you how it'll go."

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